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    That was already released when it was called Running Wilde.

    Tv sitcom? Wow, Will Arnett is really going out of his acting comfort range on this one.

    I think Mass Effect 3 gets a really unfair reputation because of that ending, when the game itself did a lot of really great things on the way there.
    Warning - I've got some SPOILERS coming!
    On the gameplay side, it continued to refine it's combat elements, bringing in new ideas like the tremendously satisfying heavy

    The study results are in, and the focus groups have come to a clear consensus:

    I'll be praying to the antler Gods for you buddy!

    If he were still alive, Aaron Copeland would've promptly died from a heart attack upon hearing his brilliant music in that trailer.

    "and providing a nice bit of synergy with our own ongoing Horrors Week"
    Surely, your use of the word "synergy" gave Jack Donaghy a huge boner.

    I can't wait for it. Funny thing is that I remember reading early previews where the consensus seemed to be disappointed, calling it "More of the same" or "Not innovating". If it really is just more of the same 'ole Bloodborne, and it's just as masterfully done, I'm super excited.

    Oh yeah, definitely - the Celestial Emissary battle had a very 50's Sci-fi sorta feel.

    I don't think I've been more immersed in any other game then Bloodborne. Such marriage of sound and visuals coming together to sometimes scare the shit out of me, sometimes leave me in complete awe, and sometimes leave me with great pity for the poor souls that you brutally murder, all in the name of the hunt.

    A Dead Space reboot/adaptation lead by the From Software folks would be absolutely incredible.

    Terrifying, hilarious and hot is the perfect way to describe Stephanie Beatriz.

    I just want to point out that I hate Halloween. Hate everything about it.
    Going out? Ugh.
    Putting on costumes? No thank you!
    Dealing with kids? That's the worst.

    I just started MGSV:TPP yesterday. I've never actually played any of the metal gear games before, but I decided to give this a chance.
    I figured it was going to be pretty good, but I that there was just no chance it could possibly to live up to the massive amount of hype generated - so far, though, I actually am

    Perhaps NBC is going all Game of Thrones on the Undateable cast, and is forcing to do the television equivalent of trial by combat.

    According to Ron Swan, you should always mix scotch and woodworking.
    Don't forget that this here is a photograph of him masterfully crafting a harp after consuming 9 whiskey drinks.

    But only after a 3 month long investigation that costs over $20 million dollars, and a federal trial followed by 3 appeals.

    I would watch a Good Wife spinoff called The Good Wig, centering on Julianna Marguiles search for the perfect wig to cover her wild, bushy hair.

    I can only imagine Julianna Marguiles and Jenna Maroney in a movie together. Their sheer combined egos would destroy the world.