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    to be fair, like 75% of all actors that appear in any Bryan Fuller joint are all either friends or repeat actors of his, partially because they all fit within his styles and sensibilities, mostly because they're all fucking phenomenal, and yes.. because he knows them.

    Is there really any other way to run from things?

    I just finished MY first divine beast "dungeon",(I only say "my" because I don't have any idea what other players are doing for an order) and while I won't give away any detailed spoilers or other aspects, it was in the Zora world. By traditional standards of a Zelda game, it wasn't exactly a "dungeon", but it was

    "-I'll give Wahlberg The Italian Job."

    And if you make a joke where other people are included as semi-targets, still find a way to tie back to yourself as the main target.

    Man, The Last Story. What a game that was.

    I don't know what it's like with the mods on XB1/PS4, but there have been various mods over the years that can change the leveling system for Skyrim. Some that straight up extend the level cap, some that add individual categories or completely revamp the system entirely.
    Years ago, when I was in peak Skyrim mode on my

    Not only are there so many secret clubs, but you somehow get to president of all of them at the same time.

    A picture of Donald Trump with the caption:

    Well, I guess that's one thing that Trump and I share in common, then.

    I get what you're saying, and if you've never seen it before, you should watch 30 Rock's "Governor Dunston" episode from the seventh season, as it superbly tackles that issue.

    I'll give it to them, that was a pretty great idea. I've always wondered what actually goes on in Trump's mind, and I think they did a fine job at imagining what his world is actually like, in a very Being John Malkovich sort of way. To be honest, certain moments of that short implied a life so bleak and empty that I

    Don't forget about all of the extended QTE's!

    I played The Order, and I must say that i agree with everything you've said about it, in terms of what makes it a disaster.
    It's a shame too, because in terms of the creative possibilities, it could have been a great game.
    If a studio that actually thrives at world building made The Order, like Bioware, Obsidian or

    OK No problem!

    In my extended family I have extremely conservative evangelicals, who genuinely believe that even all sperm is potential life. So to them, using a condom or finishing out "elsewhere" is tantamount to being complicit in genocide.
    She's also in her late 40's, and she and her husband have 14+ kids with at least another 4

    Ok, I sincerely can't tell by your response, but -
    You do realize I was being sarcastic and didn't mean a thing of that ludicrously over-the-top statement? If you were also being sarcastic and I didn't pick that up, then my bad.
    Admittedly, tone can be very had to convey over normal text, let alone disqus comments

    It's quite easy to explain, actually. Shillary is a corrupt, thieving con artist who needs to be LOCKED UP!!
    The great General David Petraeus barely did anything at all - did he make a slight mistake? Yes, but it was only an oopsy daisy - nothing more.

    What is your sexual orientation?
    A.) As the good lord intended.
    B.) Potential pedophile.
    C.) Lesbian (Only allowed if you're at least a 9 or drunk 10)

    I would ask for you to please excuse me while I go kiss it, but since nobody owns it, I'm not sure how consent would work in this situation. I definitely don't want to make any inappropriate moves.