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    I won't be commenting on the Alex commenting on the michael caffee debacle debacle, except to say that I will continue to read his comments on Michael's comments on the show, find the whole situation unbelievably shameful and embarrassing, and that it'd make a pretty good subject on the subject for a comment thread.

    Thank you Peter Parker, I really appreciate it.

    I would just like to point out that if Seinfeld was on the air today, there would absolutely be a plotline about George lying about being in one of the twin towers on 9/11 for sex. And free food.

    At first, I thought you meant that the dude on the right is clearly being mean or rude. Then I went back up to the top, and I realized you meant to say that he was literally a dick.

    While this look amazing, and I'll probably end up buying it for my PS4 at some point, I can only imagine how bloated the production must've been for all the voice acting.
    I hope that it's not a situation where so much time and money was spent on the acting, that the rest of the actual gameplay suffers.

    This is only the second worst lie he has ever told, the first being that he is actually funny!

    Dear lord, that was cheesy. I think I'll have to see myself out now.

    They're totally not mountains, but super sustainable green skyscrapers.

    Funny thing is that there is an episode of the league that uses an establishing shot of a bar in Baltimore called Sláinte Irish Pub. Not only did they try to pass it off as in Chicago, but you can clearly see Baltimore identifiers, like the Clipper City beer sign in the right side.

    It's just a ripoff of Dr. Lecter's handiwork.

    Better than a giant sign made out of human penises.

    16 year old me had such a crush on Spin City-era Connie Britton. So far as I can tell, I'll give her a tremendous amount of credit for accepting the fact that she is aging without turning herself into a cosmetic surgeon's version of the six million dollar man.

    Super Mario RPG Mario, for the SNES. He had apparently become a world famous celebrity for jumping high and having a sweet fuckin' mustache, yet the only women he could land was being lord of the friend zone with Princess Toadstool.

    "O. R. they?"

    It makes me really sad to think that Garret Dillahunt is a part of something this bad, but ultimately, a dude's gotta eat. I might still check this out solely out of loyalty to him.

    The identites of those who bought pirated copies of Fifty Shades of Grey will go all the way up to the White House.

    Damon Wayans and Buster Bluth clearly share the same opinions. Like anyone would want to R her!!

    Child of Light is definitely among the most gorgeous games ever made, let alone two dimensional games. Muramasa and Curse of Monkey Island are among the very few I can think of that come close to it's level of jaw-dropping beauty.

    Incidentally, I can't do audiobooks in a drive unless it's a multi-hour trip, but I fucking love NPR. Even if it's only a 5-10 minute drive, I can't go without listening to it; just relaxes my mind and really helps me focus on the road.