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    I can do it on cross-country drives, but that's basically it.

    — Minimalist Porn director

    Nathan for you "Dumb Starbucks" episode. I just couldn't believe that this was a documentary of actual events that happened, and that Nathan Fielder had gotten away with it. Completely on the edge of my seat, slack-jawed the whole time.

    Personally, I've never been a fan of the Metal Gear series - I'm sure this new entry is amazing and very rewarding for longtime fans, but I just don't have any interest in it.

    No word yet, though, on whether she's been struck by a smooth criminal.

    Wait, Idris Elba isn't age appropriate for Bond? He's 42 years old, seems like a perfect Bond age to me.

    Ben - You've got a great idea.

    Personally, I wouldn't want Idris Elba to be the first black bond. Not because of he shouldn't be it, but because he is one of the greatest living actors and I would hate to see him typecast and reduced to that. He would be an undoubtedly incredible Bond, which would be that for the rest of his life, he would only get

    How about a raffle to win a comment upvote from Bonertime?

    Yeah. There are times when critics will tear a game apart for not being revolutionary or innovative, even when it is competently made, well written, and gorgeous. Not every video game has to completely reinvent the medium, and some can be nothing more than comfort food and still be good.
    It's a shame that Revelations

    It actually bums me out a bit that Revelations tends to be ignored, since although it does offer anything to new to the table, it's world of Constantinople is such a gorgeous world. The Hagia Sophia was a highlight of the game, and when I traveled to real life Turkey, I got a kick of out of imagining it's digital

    At least Hulu didn't end up tripping on his own rug and sliding headfirst into a kitchen island, whilst fleeing the two thugs forcing him to pay his backtaxes.


    All netflix needs to do is find the servers the pirated footage is stored on, and just park a car nearby filled with big fucking magnets.

    Well, it's pretty tough to think that the day has finally arrived, but so it goes.

    I just wanted to share with the digital world that I just beat the Shadow of Yharnam in Bloodborne. I've lost count of how many times I died by them - it was at least 12 or 13 attempts - and I'd say that this is a pretty good Illustration of how it's affected me. Luckily enough, I started a video clip right before I

    Mr. Robot is definitely derivative, but if its done really well then it's not necessarily a bad thing. Plus, it's not like it's trying to be something unique, so it's more of a Quentin Tarantino style homage than Dane Cook style outright theft.
    Not everything single thing has to be completely original - hell, Terriers

    As a diehard, human liver eating, person suit wearing fan of Hannibal myself (I will never use that stupid fucking term "Fannibal"), I have really enjoyed Mr. Robot. I'm not sure that they could really be compared that easily, but they are both two incredible shows.
    Just like Hannibal, though, its never going to get

    Congratulations, Pete. According to the transitive property, you just defeated Muammar Gaddafi in arm wrestling.