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    Yeah, the way that you can instantly change perspectives during a heist and play out every well was exhilarating. Felt like a real counterpoint to some of the great movie heists.

    Yeah, Brucie kicked ass. Still think he is a much better character than Trevor.

    They were dull, definitely, but they at least and motivations and a reason to be in this world together.
    Michael feels like he's stuck in a family that hates him and clearly has a need to mentor someone, and Frank feels like he is stuck in a world he doesn't like, and wants to learn new things and gain new

    I really enjoyed the beginning of Michael and Franklin's friendship and their growing heist activities. Everything leading up to the jewelry heist had a very Breaking Bad feel to it, with an experienced veteran Michael mentoring the young kid. Both of the actors had chemistry together, and it really shows with Mike

    The Walking Dead still has one of the best pilots I've ever seen. Such a strong atmosphere and tone, doing such a great job of showing the new world through Rick's eyes, Morgan was awesome, and they it pulled it off with very little actual dialogue.
    Then, after fell apart from episode 2 on. I got sick of TWD years

    Definitely. For me, everytime there was a Trevor moment that I enjoyed, there were two or three that felt like Rockstar just completely whiffing.
    Any criticisms towards R* over Trevor's character seems to get attacked over the mentality of "But It's satire!", but he just was a terribly written and incredibly annoying

    "Brucie does not do five hundred crunches a day so he can cuddle fucking cellulite!"

    Yeah. GTA V is awesome, but I don't quite understand how it got such a torrent of perfect 10/10 reviews proclaiming it to be one of the best games ever, right out of the gate.One of the most critically praised elements was the story, which I honestly don't that was that great.
    The characters were obviously incredibly

    Personally, i loved GTA IV. I know that it had some flaws, and that GTA V definitely had more engaging, creative missions, and San Andreas was almost pure over-the-top fun, but I love playing GTA IV despite that.
    GTA IV had some amazing characters. Elizabeta Torres kicked ass and I can't help but be charmed by

    Warner Bros. will try to keep this out of development hell. They can't put a guarantee for a release date, but they promise will be at some point very soon on the cosmic calendar.

    They weren't wearing the pants, but they did use the pants.

    The noise that begins every clip sounds almost exactly like the arrival of reapers in
    Mass Effect 3, when they head to a planet to destroy everything.
    So in other words, it completely fits with Bill Cosby.

    Wow, actual time in prison. Emile Hirsch is really being thrown into the wild because of this.

    I think it's a little tough to compare Bethesda's style of Romance with either Bioware's or The Witcher's methods, considering how different they are. With the Witcher, while you can certainly choose from a (relatively limited) set of choices, with characters that well defined, with such a deep back story, it's

    Could Matthew Perry's Benny be anymore of an asshole?

    Only a matter of time until the eventual reboot into the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

    A mighty wind is blowin' your great response this way.

    Edmure and Gendry are hanging out in the hotel room with Huell.

    Oh man, Rosie Perez in peak early 90's. Preteen version me got to know her very well.