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    Also an as every other movie mode for Kevin Spacey. and the rest of my entire career mode for Nicholas Cage.

    Sorry, but I despised attack of the show. X-play, I actually enjoyed, though.

    I just picked up Guacamelee on a PSN sale. Haven't played it much, but it's such a pretty game,and with such an awesome soundtrack and atmosphere. Reminds me a lot of Super Paper Mario both in the obvious 2D style, and the shared sense of whimsy.

    Well, I am in the homestretch of Witcher 3. I'm currently in the final preparations series of quests, and am fully aware of the different endings and the consequences for their actions.

    I know it may seem like sacrilege in among certain circles, but I couldn't stand The Last of Us. The story and cutscenes are nice, sure, but I don't play a game exclusively for that. And the few things outside of that, basically consists of pushing dumpsters and picking up ladders. Because, somehow, Joel is able to

    "You complete…my portfolio of shitty films designed to fail and be written off for tax purposes."

    "Oh great, now the PC police want to make it all about vaginas. What are they gonna call it, 'The gathering of extraordinary womyn'"?

    Is Fantastic Four some sort of monkey's paw? Did a Fox exec find it buried in the middle of a desert, wish for 1 billion dollars but only on the condition that he greenlights fantastic four movies for all eternity?

    Oh yeah, forgot about All Delighted people, thanks. As a whole, I wouldn't put it among his best albums, but some of the individual tracks are incredible standouts.
    The Owl and the Tanager is one of the most haunting, creepiest, disturbingly beautiful songs I've ever heard. I'll never forget the first time I

    Well, to each their own, but I hope you give him another chance. All of his albums are each so different that almost everyone can find something they connect with.
    Seven Swans and Carrie and Lowell are both very spare, pastoral and almost entire acoustic - although Seven Swans is much lighter. Illinois and Michigan

    I saw him in Philadelphia during the Age of Adz tour. Sitting, listening and eventually participating during "Impossible Soul" is one of the greatest rushes I've ever had in a concert before. I've never had so much goddamn fun in a show before - or since - and by the time the balloons and beach balls came down, I just

    Here, take this drink - it'll help you cool off.

    Definitely. Stephen Colbert is a self proclaimed lover of Tolkien and D&D, but doesn't feel a need to call himself a "geek". Neither did Robin Williams with his love for Nintendo.
    There are tons of celebrities that openly talk about how they enjoy video games, comics, etc… and don't feel the need to go all "We're such

    Fair enough.

    AVC: What would people say to you? “I loved you in The Devil Wears Prada”?

    Nah, she is queen of the geeks. You could say almost she's


    September 11th, 2001, the day of the release of P.O.D's Satellite.

    Only if you credit it to Shia Labeouf.

    Hey, Charles Manson is one smooth operator.

    Oh absolutely - I didn't mean to sound like I was insulting Andy Samberg. When my best friend and I were much younger, we first learned about Andy, Jorma and Akiva back during their earliest days of The 'Bu and Dan Harmon's Channel 101 festival. We've always felt an odd sense of accomplishment for having known about