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    Also, don't forget that years before Ys, she had a pretty serious growth on her vocal cords that needed to be removed surgically and dramatically altered the sound of her voice. Her voice in the first album, The milk-eyed mender, is 10 times squeakier.

    She really is an acquired taste. I absolutely love her and everything she does - including her voice, and my brother likes to describe her voice as "a cat being pumped with air and played like a bagpipe", or " a steam roller driving over a pile of cats, backing up and repeating". He does not enjoy her.

    I will absolutely agree that you don't like Paul Thomas Anderson.

    As weird of a match as it is to think that the woman behind an ornate, symphonic concept album about the lost city of Ys married the dude who created "Dick in a box" and "Jizz in my pants", I could see them totally working.
    Sometimes, two very different people really do complement each other's sensibilities and just wo

    If I ever start to lose hope that one day I'll find a brilliant, talented, beautiful woman who will decide to fall in love with me, I look at Andy Samberg - and then I remember that it really can happen to anyone.

    Ys is probably my favorite album ever made, and is in the highest point of my musical pedestal, shared only by Sufjan Stevens.
    Joanna Newsom is the only person that can crack my facade of snark and sarcasm, and knowing that she has a new album coming makes me squeal with joy - in a high pitch not unlike her own.

    He's become pretty famous from those memes. He should really try to leverage them into a tv or movie deal.

    Is the fish full of mercury?

    I guess when it comes to suing others for plagiarism, there just ain't no mountain high enough.

    I've got to admit, Internet, that was pretty damn impressive.

    As long as they don't burn Triss or Yennefer, I'm ok with it. Keira too.

    Butt Fuckups and it's sequel Butt Fuckups 2

    The Longest Butt Fuck

    It was a little awkward at first, because The Good Wife producers had actually only wanted to cast Peter Gallager's eyebrows, but they put their furrows down and demanded that either both actors get cast, or they walk.
    It's pretty heartwarming to see that no matter how famous Peter Gallagher's eyebrows become,

    She has seen his person suit, and his real self in the shattered tea cup.

    Not that there's anything wrong with that.

    Jules Dassin was such an incredible director, not celebrated nearly as much as he should be. I would imagine a huge part of that was his blacklist, and subsequent exodus from the US. Such a shame that, at least in this country, he isn't championed in the same vein as other great directors from the era.

    Honestly, I think they have quite a lost opportunity here:

    Hey, they've got to spend that Hannibal money somehow.

    Now that would be a perfect starring vehicle for Jaden.