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    If only Dinklage could've gotten a little more support, then he would've been able to stand tall with pride over his performance.

    This is considered a female equivalent of Stephen Colbert? Seriously?

    They probably won't be able to get the licensing rights, so she'll have to play a character named something like Randina Router, Rondoona Ronderson, Jamie Jimpler or Jackie Jormp-Jomp. Maybe even Janis Joplin would do.

    They probably won't be able to get the licensing rights, so she'll have to play a character named something like Randina Router, Rondoona Ronderson, Jamie Jimpler or Jackie Jormp-Jomp. Maybe even Janis Joplin would do.

    They probably won't be able to get the licensing rights, so she'll have to play a character named something like Randina Router, Rondoona Ronderson, Jamie Jimpler or Jackie Jormp-Jomp. Maybe even Janis Joplin would do.

    It's a shame that this most recent season of The Good Wife stumbled in the second half of the season, because David Hyde Pierce was fucking brilliant as Frank Prady.

    "I'm doing great baby, how you doin'?"

    I'm trying to put it out of my mind and ignore it, but its really sinking it's claws into me.

    Some of the tantrums these actors threw over their pet costars are very disappointing. The next time I'll watch one of their movies, it'll really give me paws.

    Kelsey Grammar is in that incredibly rare group where he's gone through more tragedy in his life than probably 15-20 average people combined, and yet it gets him almost no sympathy or goodwill because he is that giant of a fucking asshole.

    No, but Joey Tribbiani did, so at least this article gets it half right.

    I just recently got a PS4, and have been thinking about picking up DA:I. I'm a little hesitant, because I bought it for PS3, but it was so badly made that I barely made it through 8-10 hours before giving up in frustration.
    The beginning loading screen was typically 4-5 minutes long for me, and even shorter ones were

    Enjoy Okami, friend. It's definitely in my top games ever, and in the fairly shortlist of games I replay at least once every 4-6 months. Such an incredibly deep story with great characters, rooted in so much Japanese mythology and folklore, and some pretty damn great uses for the celestial brush. And good God (Lemon)

    Well, they would probably allow it if there are dismembered corpses everywhere and Hannibal and Will are completely covered in blood.

    Oh my God, I hope that is the finale that airs on NBC.


    ""Angry commenters spam the rottentomatoes site for the Al Pacino starring film S1m0ne"

    See my comment above for screenshots i've linked.

    Have you ever played Mass Effect 2? I love Yvhonne Strahovsk, but the amount of ass shots is honestly ludicrous. Not only were they completely gratuitous, but the shots really were so obviously framed that it made me feel a little creepy for just playing it.
    Here's one.
    Female Shepherd got in on the ass

    Holy Shit, I've got those links too.
    Filthy Housewife
    Taboo Gloryhole
    Please don't pull out 2