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    This review certainly isn't inspiring, but I'm still more than willing to give it a shot and hope for the best. I think that this show's best shot at having another good season is to completely move on from the first, and ignore all of the crazy unrealistic expectations that lighting will strike twice. I feel like

    Brian Williams would like that clarify that Judge Reinhold is an official judge, and he has received acting's greatest honor.

    Vomiting negativity about a television show on a weekly basis isn't fun for anyone

    I'm looking for Lan Di - he killed my father. Have you seen him?

    I was so obsessed with Shenmue during the dreamcast days, and still have my copy of the imported european version of Shenmue 2! I had to order it through a special import site, and it took almost a month to arrive, but it was so worth it. It's pretty valuable now on ebay, but I don't think I could ever part with it.

    I must find Lan Di, the monster who brutally murdered my father.
    But first, I'm going to work on a fork lift for the next 15 straight hours!

    While I would cry many tears of joy at a Half Life 3 announcement, I'm not sure that it would actually be well received.
    Even though it basically invented the particular brand of FPS shooter/adventure games that exist today, it's been so long that, like nintendo, it could be seen as old fashioned, in a way. They would

    I like to think about "The Phantom Menace" like I think about the Holocaust…
    it never happened.

    Too far??
    *Gets tomatoes and beer bottles thrown at me

    You don't even need a super amazing high end pc for that, either. I've got a Core 2 Quad Q6600 and a humble HD Radeon 7470; but I've got Skyrim with 40+ mods, including HD textures and environmental upgrades (water reflections, clouds, grass etc…). It's not the top end HD mods like ENB, but it looks a hell of a lot

    Don't remember where at the moment, but I think I read that a digital download of Fallout 3 comes with your Xb1/PS4 Fallout 4 purchase.

    My god, that finale was a trainwreck. It actually has ruined so many of the episodes, retroactively - especially any of the stories about Robin and Barney growing up and falling in love as mature people. Especially any of the episodes about Barney actually becoming less of an evil sleazebag.

    Here is my reaction to this reaction compilation video:

    You breathe nothing, Jon Snow.

    Here's a new protagonist, she's a woman, oh, but if you want, you can play as the other guy."

    Whoops, I totally missed that. It's super late and I'm tired. My apologies.

    I personally didn't like playing as Male shepherd, but I fucking loved femShep. Jennifer Hale did such a genuinely great job in her voice acting, and no matter how you design your character's face, her voice always seems to fit perfectly.

    It really is stupid. Arkane & Bethesda are doing something that could very well be seen as the start of huge progress, and there are already people bitching about it, like it isn't enough. Maybe those folks should let the game be at least 24 hours away from it's official reveal before commencing the bitching and

    Dishonored saying "We offer you two choices of gender and one of them is icky girls."
    No offense, but that is a massive presumption you're making, especially when all we know about Dishonored 2 are literally the details we've known for all of a few hours.
    I think Arkane studios & Bethesda have earned themselves at

    I'll finish that game someday

    I'm playing catchup on some several-year old games that I missed on their release, and I just started Dishonored for the first time, about 3-4 hours in. It's pretty awesome, especially with how much freedom you have in deciding what path forward you want to take and how - or if - you want to kill.
    I've read about