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    Alexander Siddig is a great fucking actor - he was one of the highlights in an already amazing Deep Space Nine cast. I, too, was really excited when he was cast in the Dorne story - but what an incredible waste of talent all around. At least we got some boobs out of it.

    Honestly, I think all they wanted to do was just intimidate Jon Snow, but everything just snowballed out of control.

    They shouldn't have iced Jon Snow like that - it was so cold-blooded.

    You breathe nothing, Jon Snow.

    Adam has definitely seen better days.

    Not going to lie, I thought they were going to bring an actual dog out to the stage. That was a very mean tease.

    Helping people in need - with the power of DANCE!

    Well, I have no idea what the song is, nor have i heard of these sisters - but I can say for sure that I hate Dean Cain!

    That was nice, but I honestly still prefer the Seinfeld theme slowed down 1200% when I'm in the mood for a famous theme slowed down enough to cause an existential crisis. Plus, the Seinfeild theme has that sweet slapbass.

    Mostly drivel, but every often they'll do something worth your attention. Minutes after each weeks new Justified would air, they would put up a great postmortem interview with Graham Yost about the episode. For folks interested in Justified, it was a pretty neat way to learn about behind the scenes details of the show

    Ah yes, the dreaded PG-13 barrier.
    I'm the youngest of 4 siblings, and they all went through similar hells. Luckily for me, I'm much younger than any of them - I'm 26, the next sibling is 33 and the oldest is 36 - so by the time my parents got to me, they were pretty much done with strict rules so I got to do mostly

    Not even Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin?

    Fox News:
    Amazing patriot Randy Howard dies in an innocent skirmish with a bounty hunter.
    Thuggish thug YG shot after suspiciously leaving drughouse at 1:45am, while presumably doing illegal thuggish things.

    But you'll actually be able to rub your dirty hands on stuff with this version

    I always remember Bryce Dallas Howard as the one thats done nudity.

    What now? Chastain did, as well?

    Well, my boner and I are back to square one, I guess.

    Tracy Jordan was spot on - it's a rule of threes thing.

    Well, folks that its for the AV Club, our grand experiment is over! Burn the building, and to be safe, head over to Vox and take over Todd VanDerWerff. We can't leave any loose ends.

    Fair enough. I suppose I'm not really familiar enough with all the metal sub genres - orchestral metal? Historical metal? And of course, Christmas Carol Metal.

    In the midst of all the Christopher Lee memorializing, I really hope people don't forget that he finally accomplished his dream of becoming a death metal musician.
    A man in his late 80's, performing death metal albums singing about what it will be like to rise to valahalla and fight for greatness. Christopher Lee

    Still blows me away to think that in the early to mid 90's, a tv show could languish outside of the Nielsen top 10 and still get 18 to 21 million viewers a week.
    I don't recall what the exact figures are, but I can't imagine there are too many shows on tv at all getting those numbers, let alone enough shows to put