Technically, it's more like diving into a manhole where a giant fucking lion is hanging out inside.
Technically, it's more like diving into a manhole where a giant fucking lion is hanging out inside.
Whoa - hold the phone there.
I'm going to chang your point of view.
Whoa there, porkchop - who said I was laughing? If NBC makes the show I described, I would watch the shit out of it. I would also appreciate a 1% cut of the revenue since I created it…
At least three of the people in that photo made me half mast.
I'll let you guess which three though…
I looked it up and here is the synopsis on Wikipedia:
Honestly, I think what the AV Club really needs is something it's had very little of recently - videos and articles about Game of Thrones.
I would be ok with making a gun that exclusively shoots ducks,
Buzzfeed's "Top 10 hacks to improve your next game of thrones shoot!"
Not on his head, though.
Having once served as an interim warden of the Abu Ghraib prison, I can say with certainty that if they had stopped waterboarding, and instead just showed Today, attacks would've been stopped. If only I had the opportunity to question thoroughly, rather than having to kill Bin Laden so quickly and sloppily, I would've…
As a former Abu Ghraib resident, you speak the truth. If they had stopped the waterboarding and just showed me an endless loop of Today, I would've given away all my secrets. You'll definitely get confessions a-plenty.
Especially after the Orchidectomy.
I prefect the subject's in my pornography to be over a hundred years old, and that subject to be Bertram Cooper.
I got super bummed when i realized it wasn't a documentary about Rashida's effort to do amateur porn.
About 4 months ago, I was given a PS3 from my brother. He only really used it for streaming and had just gotten a smart TV, so it became a large paperweight to him. I used to be far more into games many years ago, but growing up and moving into adult life, I fell out of it for the most part. I've always done a few…
Ask not, what your tweets can do you for you, but what you can do for your tweets.
That's somewhat similar to the tone of the main sentiment that she wished to convey! BURN!
My god did I fucking love San Andreas. To this day, I truly have no idea how many hours I've put into it, but it's well over 300. I probably spent 25-30 hours alone flying planes up just to dive out, and another 20 hours with the cheat for flying cars.