
I like how she says "harvested" like she is just plucking a rutabaga out of her garden. Almost makes it sound like she didn't just shoot an animal for funsies.

“I unintentionally harvested a second bear..”

Yolanda Foster thinks divorce might cure Lyme disease

Seriously. I sure as hell don’t feel free having to worry about some nut carrying a weapon on him at all times.

I really do hope that their idiotic demonstration gets invaded by every cosplayer this side of comic-con. praying beefcake misty shows up:

They have absolutely bastardized what freedom means. The rest of us aren’t free when psychos like this “shoot first and ask questions later”. We’re six feet under. Do they ever think about that?

Wow I can’t believe that didn’t work

Another thing about the Charles Whitman shooting:

Gun free zones are killing us + donut free zones are making us fat + abortions are destroying Christians + gays are also destroying Christians= America.


If I know my pro-life rhetoric, they will say that he took it too far but that some people are just sensitive to the Injustice of it All (tm). Never mind that this particular PP didn’t provide abortions and most of the pregnant women there were seeking prenatal testing, you see, because Planned Parenthood is evil and

I’m going with, “will not report at all.” If they do report, it will probably be something along the lines of:

“blah blah, Dear’s statement, blah blah, PLANNED PARENTHOOD BABY PARTS VIDEOS.”

Fetal Justice Warrior?

What’s the over/under on FoxNews or Ted Cruz saying he’s still a “leftist transexual terrorist”? Or will they just not report this at all?

radical feminism’s misogynistic crusade

book deal?

I love him and his Chewbacca vest

the device looked like a bomb

Oh man, I sat and bit my tongue (or fingers as it were) while a friend of a friend commented on her facebook post, basically saying that every single adult person should carry at all times and be ready to defend themselves. If I have a weapon loaded and ready to shoot, what on earth is there to stop my small children

See those 141,796 homicides? Most of them were committed by Christians.