
Haha. Female, yes. Single, no.

I had one of these, too! Actually, I had two because I rocked so hard on it that I broke the first one and I was so heartbroken, my parents replaced it. I don't recall ever getting any lateral movement, however.

This is Dozer. He’s a 75 pound sweet, dopey hound mix we adopted last year.

Ugh. I live in the Tampa Bay Area and I am so tired of hearing about Winston. The local news just did a glowing report on the “Jameis you don’t know” and showed clips of him with kids, etc. It was such a propaganda piece, I gagged when I saw the commercials. But everyone here supports him as many are FSU alum and/or

When I was in high school, we adopted a mutt from a local shelter. That damn dog ate the weirdest things. He chewed shoes. He got a Chapstick I bought- it was a plastic tub in plastic and cardboard packaging, and he went through all that to eat the Chapstick. But the weirdest was when he ate a pincushion full of pins.

They have majorities because they are better at gerrymandering. Democrats actually got more votes in 2012. It has nothing to do with their appeal.

I have one that does this, too! Half the time he doesn't even open his mouth. It's cute/weird.

Has anyone seen that stupid MRA saying comparing anatomy to locks and keys? I don’t remember the exact wording but it’s something along the lines of a key that can open many locks is a great key, but a lock that can be opened by many keys is a shitty lock. It’s such a stupid, sexist analogy I want to scream every time