On the other hand, we really do need to kill tipping culture. It IS ridiculous that server A makes $2 bucks for pouring a $10 shot while server B makes $50 doing the exact same work pouring a $250 shot.
Green Chartreuse
Hot cocoa should be thin, because it’s made of cocoa powder. Hot chocolate needs to be thick, because melted chocolate. There’s room for both in my kitchen.
Onion Rings. (Beer Battered)
Also Acceptable: Beer
What a ridiculous comment.
It’s a little of column A, and a little of column B.
I’d imagine a lot of cashier errors are from double-scanning heavy items due to their unwieldiness, so they’d show up twice, right next to each other, on the receipt. If I were seeing a heavy item scanned twice back to back on the receipt, I’d double-check the cart to make sure they bought two of the same item, in…
They mostly do a count. 20 items in the cart, receipt says 20 items, good. If they scanned the box of muffins twice by accident, that would show up with a very quick check.
What exactly do they mean by “cashier errors?” Only egregious things like “hey there’s some grossly incorrect number on the receipt” type things, e.g. being charged for 30 pounds of something instead of 3 pounds? Because it definitely seems like they take, like, 2 seconds tops to scan a receipt and I can’t imagine…
To go with this feature, here’s a radius feature that Maps for some reason doesn’t have: http://obeattie.github.io/gmaps-radius/?lat=51.500358&lng=-0.125506&z=10&u=mi&r=5
I used this feature while zoomed in on my house to estimate the length of a planned fence. Much easier than actually measuring!
I use this feature ALL the time and love it. It’s just plain useful, more times than you would think.... partly for the “as the crow flies” measurements but also for custom walking/driving distances. I use it to measure potential 5k routes or to figure out how far I walked when I was in the city last... perfect for…