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Men are completely okay with women in action movies as long as it’s sexy women using their power of sex to kill some bad guys. When it’s women remaking a film that had men in it, well, then that’s not okay because those men used their wiles okay not sex and how can a woman do anything but sex!

Honestly, that’s what I thought was coming through reading this article! Not to the level of the usual bullshit, but imo the trailer read like any other non-edgy action movie trailer (in a good way). Hell, it was edited better and had more energy than last year’s Mission: Impossible trailers did.

I agree that it looks fun and that there may be a certain segment of troglodytes who raise idiotic complaints. That said, I hope Banks isn’t overly heavy-handed with agirl power” theme. By that I mean, I hope she <<shows>> women kicking ass but doesn’t also condescendingly <<tell>> the audience at the same time. Als

Charlie’s Angels has always been about women, though, so hopefully it will avoid some of the crap that the gender-swapped remakes were dealing with. anyone who believes that that “Lord’s Council” bullshit will work outpeacifully a second time, I’ve a legitimate dragon egg to sell

“When he opens his mouth it’s a vacuous hole: There’s little room for a brain or anything else.”

He was just sitting around, agreeing, and not doing anything about it.

Um, I thought the symbolism was actually pretty obvious around the White Walkers-global warming conclusion:

Bran gave Arya the tools she needed to destroy the Night King; without him, she wouldn’t have had the opportunity (live bait in the Godswood) or the weapon (the catspaw’s dagger). He’s a dick, but without him, nobody would have survived. 

Arya is clearly Batman, but she wouldn’t necessarily make a good ruler.  Her sister however...

I thought they had them shelved cause white walker javelins. And then they started fucking shit up and could have won by themselves if undead dragon hadnt shown up

In the past four years bittorrent usage has increased from 18% a historic low to 22% today. Piracy is already increasing.

What we have isn’t competition. What competition requires is the ability to get the same or a better service someplace else. The issue is streaming is built around monopolizing IP. As such if you REALLY like The Office and you want to stream it you need to go to NBCUniversal when it launches. Netflix cant compete with

I hear you. I’m paying an exorbitant cost for cable right now, along with Netflix. I’m not quite ready to ditch cable because a lot of shows I like, including local Canadian shows, are nowhere to be found online or on streaming services.

Idk that it will cause piracy to rise, but instead of streaming services I’m just gonna buy my shows so that I can own them forever rather than try and keep up with where my favorites are moving to.

At some point some enterprising company is going to bundle all these services together * and we’ll end up with......cable.

While I agree with what you’re saying, we shouldn’t be encouraging monopolistic practices in yet another digital space. I just don’t know how you reconcile those two ideas.

Or monthly instead of yearly subscriptions.

The offer might be over now, but for a limited time Spotify was offering Hulu included with it’s service at no extra charge. I’ve got Spotify/Hulu, Netflix, and Torrents. I’m not paying for 5 more services at this point because I simply don’t watch enough TV for it to be worthwhile. The Netflix is basically only for

That and sharing. I pay for HBONow and Hulu, and share both with my friend who lets me use their Netflix because this is getting insane. Figuring out how to pay all my bills while dealing with wage stagnation and increasing rent prices is hard enough, I’m definitely not adding any more streaming services. I’ve never