random profile

I agree with what you’ve said. I’d add to that by saying I’m from the UK and we don’t have nearly as many streaming choices, or as much content as the US.

64 yr old was British, that was his hard Brexit.

They’re the PTSD equivalent of combat soldiers who come home from battle. Except they’re younger and had no weapons or training. They all need years of therapy and probably very few actually get it.

It’s odd that he doesn’t want to tell his girlfriend the truth about an awkward interaction that was by no means his fault. It seems like maybe he has a thing for Katie? Otherwise, what’s the fucking secret?

In Europe we have royalty -albeit powerless in most cases - can you imagine the deranged behaviour that generations of in breeding and no accountability can produce? I can’t promise you that the Prince of Spain shows you his willy at the airport on arrival or that he shoots a peasant in the streets, but, it’s always a

I’ll leave that to you. I have absolutely no desire to watch human beings be murdered. I get why you watched it, and I’m sure being a cop in Brazil you’ve seen your share of some shit, but no thanks for me. 

I had to scroll back up to the top because I thought surely you’d photoshopped it. Nope, his hands really are that tiny.

Because she doesn’t look like one of those svelte, impeccably-groomed rats from Rat and Mouse Magazine? You know no one wakes up looking like that don’t you?
Love the fur you’re in!

This was a rich rat. He was on his way to meet up with some of his rich friends.  Elon Musk, for one.

We used to have pet rats, and it was amazing how flexible they were.  We put some tubes in their cage for them to play in, and I was worried the tube would be too thin for the rats to get through.  Not only could the rats go through them, they could turn completely around inside them so their head was poking out the


I don’t know about rats’ abilities, but I know that mice can flatten their bodies and get through the tiniest of openings, the slippery little fuckers. If they can get their head through, they should be able to get the rest of their body through.

Feinstein isn’t a Boomer. She was born in 1933. Her daughter is a Boomer.

She sounds just like the Boomers at my government agency who have been there since the 1970s.


Unfortunately, I think you're spot on..

Broke the barrier.  No longer Virgin.

I totally did NOT catch that!  Okay, the meta-ness makes it better.

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