random profile

It's like...of course they waged war against the Europeans. That's what happens when someone murders your family and claims your land.

He is perfectly capable of making great comedy

Yep. Gotta love when Ted, who doesn’t seem to mind militias murdering Mexicans who think about putting a toe across the border, reminds us that the Native Americans were sometimes brutal” toward the white men who were enslaving and raping their way across the new world. Nice job, Ted.

A yo ho ho and a bottle of rum, Disney’s streaming treasures, here I come!

“bad things”

A human teenager with the proportional strength of a spider is called a superhero.

The average Trumpie has no idea what “secession” means or even how to spell it.

Not down here! For once Georgia is not making me feel embarrassed!  

He is gonna be SOOOOO pissed that he changed his resident state to Florida when he realizes that Unemployment, oh I’m sorry, The Department of Economic Opportunity, caps out it’s payments at $256 a week for 13 weeks. D’OH!

Every picture of Sherman is terrific because in EVERY single one he looks like he gives zero fucks and would rather be anywhere else. 

I like the Captain Kirk quote:  “The best defense is a good offense, and I intend to start offending right now!”

So the difference being that most of the Court essentially said, “Get the fuck out of here we’re not even letting you file this shit,” whereas Alito and Thomas said, “Sure you can file this shit....okay now get the fuck out of here.”

All one has to do is look at some of the countries that have dealt with covid-19 best: New Zealand, Germany, Denmark, Taiwan, and Finland. All led by women. Meanwhile, the US, Brazil, and the UK have all fucked up massively and each of their leader caught the goddamn virus as well.

As cheese for breakfast says, we have Brazilians in Philadelphia AND we like to party in the streets (e.g., the 2008 baseball World Series, the 2008 election of Barack Obama, Super Bowl LII).

as a Brazilian I’ve already been under a female President and my penis didn’t fell off...

Philly is big, and a very diverse city with a huge minority population. I wouldn’t say there’s a large organized Brazilian population, but there are plenty of Brazilians here... My husband was actually in a Brazilian funk band for a while...

Also, yes, we just want to party in the streets. It’s a thing. Philly loves a

Last year’s image was an eyeball mess! Sorry

I’m so glad someone else said something! I thought about emailing because it’s so jarring and unsettling. This is my favorite post all year long and as soon as I saw the header I felt sick to my stomach for the rest of the day. 

I scrolled past it as quickly as I could while averting my eyes.

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