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I’ll make sure I bring my opera glasses at Canelo vs GGG.

Congratulations 🏅 You earned it top cool guy.

Canelo fights GGG in 3 weeks. Calm down, lad...

Are you under the impression this is the first circus act ever in the world of boxing? Ali and Foreman pulled the same stunts.

Yep. Mayweather is not a lover of anything but Floyd Mayweather.

You lost me at “boxing’s dignity”, though my intuition was confirmed when I caught the word “noble” as I skipped down here to reply.

I don’t think you realize who you are talking about. Mayweather isn’t that kind of fighter, and never was. This was exactly the kind of victory anyone who knows anything about boxing was predicting.

Boxing, as a sport, hasn’t had any dignity for about 40 years. It barely had any before that.

The confederates were traitors. Their statues should never have gone up. The only reason they did is because white folks in the south didn’t learn their lesson when they got their asses kicked in the war they started.

How many of these scumbuckets were Gamergaters or a part of some other online culture that took pleasure in the doxxing of “SJWs”, “Black racists” and “feminist bitches”? More than a few I would guess.

Created in ‘99. It’s a job that in theory could do some good, but in practice is going to be held by a Christian zealot who only cares about the religious freedom of Christians.

What I’ve noticed lately is that videos that pop up in my Facebook feed will have ads IN THE MIDDLE of the video. So, a 15-second ad in the middle of a 20-second video. Nooo thank you.

Roger Corman. Of course.

It really annoyed me when I was watching a show in reruns and they played the teaser scene... then went to a commercial break. Then game back for the opening credits and theme... then another commercial break. Then finally started the show.

I would think this is a cameo role in flashbacks rather than resurrecting him. Steve plays a pretty important role in WW’s emotional development so having him in a flashback or dream sequence would make sense. I don’t think it means he’ll have a starring or central role in the new plot.

Come at me, but I can live with a descendant who looks exactly like him.

Did Davidson play the role using his penis as the sonic screwdriver?

If they are going to bring anyone back, it should be Etta, she coulda used more screen time.

I’m going to hope it’s for a flashback. Otherwise, no, DC *smacks about the face with a rolled up newspaper* stop it!