random profile

Either that or he’ll be in old man makeup. Which is always good /s

Yeah this seems dumb.

Would they say “will return” if it’s for something like a flashback? That’d be about the only tolerable reason.

It does, it is. Another thing that happens when shows get randomly cut into and then come back on.. the show will then have a scene blackout or other point where the commercial was obviously meant to go but was preempted.

For a party that spent much of the last decade whining about coastal elites from Ivy League schools, they elected an Ivy League billionaire from Manhattan. It’s all talk. The “moral majority” chose a racist rapist pedophile with children from three different women. They do the exact opposite of what they say they

I highly recommend you track down a copy of an Italian film called The Icicle Thief in English (or Ladri di saponette in the original) — it’s a brutal satire on films being interrupted by commercials for television broadcast purposes.

It happens in America. They always cut to a commerical break at the most exciting parts. It pisses me off!

She is referring to a local New York City law - but it’s a law only invoked by assholes like her.

Trump has found that these Wall Street elite types really know how to kiss ass and give the most wonderful BJs.

Bought my .357 from a coworker. I paid him over 3 mos, so I had it in my possession already when I voluntarily registered it...then they confiscated it for 2 weeks... on the form, I had to check “yes” or “no” to the question “Are you a felon?”

Kansas, at least.

There are several states where you can legally buy any gun without a permit from a private party. It’s actually pretty easy. Gun control will only work at the federal level. Anything else is wishful thinking.

Yes and no... If you want to buy a shiny new gun from a dealer, you have to have a background check no matter where you live.

Yes, 3 of my 4 rifles were purchased privately from friends. The 4th from out of state so it went to an FFL who ran a background check, passed me and I went on my way within the hour.

In Canada, everyone applying for a licence to buy or even possess a firearm needs to list their current and former (within the previous 2 years) “conjugal partners” on their application. If those partners don’t actually sign the application to indicate they are aware of it, the federal body that grants licences is

Starred for the Rowdy Roddy Piper reference. :D

I’ve been going to people’s homes to take care of dogs for nearly a decade. I’d never in home board (mostly because it’s not legal but there’s a whole host of other issues). I took care of someone’s dogs once. Just before she left she said “oh yeah, there will be a friend’s dog there too. Don’t worry, he’s friendly

It’s a valid fear. We were in a bind and tried rover once. Never again. I’m sure the idiot we ended up with isn’t representative of most sitters, but there is no vetting process beyond a little quiz to make sure you won’t straight up kill the dogs someone is going to trust you with. Our lawyer suggested that while

I feel the same. Going away for Christmas this year and so is everyone else I would normally leave my dog with so now I’m in a bind. I would rather leave him with a professional border like the doggie hotel near our airport. Added bonus is they have cameras in the rooms so you can spy on your furry kids.

Budget $25

Proceed to nearest couch

Find phone

Order pizza

Turn on tv

Flip to the Discovery channel.

*your trip has been successfully planned within your budget, rate us!