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“Because that shit is almost like being hit with a baseball bat!”

I don’t know if I’m fully understanding your question, but “ms.” isn’t short for anything. It’s a blend of “miss” and “mrs” and can be used for either married or single women.


Interesting question! I’m not sure if there is a shorter/longer form. I was taught growing up to use Ms. if unsure of marital status or age (I left Miss to someone mid-20s or younger) but now I’m seeing how it’s all tied to our “worth”/marital status and age which annoys me.


There is no abbreviation for Miss, and no full for Ms.

I actually think the video was very tame. Nobody stormed the bus or tried to flip it over; in fact, they WAVED to the people on the bus! That would not have happened here.

European rioters should give lessons!


Ms. and Miss are different titles. Miss does not have an abbreviation. I do not know what the full for “Ms.” would be. Misz? :D

It’s a form of checks and balances, the populace keeps the cops in check and vice-versa. I think it is a valuable exercise. Property can be replaced and is usually insured.

You bet!


Google speaker pronounces “Ms.” and “miss” both in the same way

Kind of like “miz” the “s” sounds like a z in many American accents

No. There is no abbreviation for “Miss”. It’s just not used that often. It is “Miss”, “Mrs.”, or “Ms.” You should always use “Ms.”, unless someone specifically asks you to use “Mrs.” The only time it’s appropriate to use Miss is if you’re talking to a young teen or younger, such as, “Miss, you dropped your dolly.”

I’d like to bring back the guillotine for use in D.C.

I’d like to bring back the guillotine for use in D.C.

Ms can be used if a person is married or unmarried, just like Mr. Miss/mrs are not really used anymore, at least where I’m from

Oh yeah, THOSE guys, I hear they don’t really want to be Europeans anyway.