
I’m inclined to agree with #1 and #2: I think the public appearances are obviously staged to some extent, but there is genuine affection there.

But it’s not fairrrrr, she’s so annoying and he’s so handsome and sophisticated. [toddler foot stomp]

I was skeptical at first but it’s definitely real. I don’t know Taylor but I KNOW Tom. He would never bring his family into this if it wasn’t real. Tom is actually a really goofy guy so idk why the media is making him seem all proper. I work in media and 100% Tom wore that shirt to troll the media. It’s basically his


a former coworker of mine was trying to pressure her bf into proposing ( they are still not engaged and this was over a year ago, so like - take a hint, lady) but she and her bf would have annual relationship reviews. Like, talk about what needed to be improved, what had improved since the last review, et al. I could

Taylor seems like such a dork that she would be laughing manically about all this - but like ... does anyone actually care? It seems like she’s so bored that she’s more into fucking with the public than actually dating.

Yes. The upgrade is quite spectacular. I was always so confused by all the people tagging Tayvin pics #relationshipgoals because as far as I’m concerned, my relationship goal is to never spend any time with that douchebag, but I guess not all Swifties have your good taste and discernment.

How is this not hot?

i hope they fell hard for each other, had a discussion about the media because it’s something real and how to keep their privacy, and then instead were like lol what if we just fuck w them.

We would not blink in eye if a girl wore a band tshirt of the guy she was dating.

Seven Stages of Grief:

I don’t understand why it would be fake. Even the dude above who said he thinks it is ends basically with “But i don’t see what Taylor would get out of it.” It seems obvious to me the main thing Taylor gets out of this is that she gets to be dating Tom Hiddleston.

If Taylor ain’t hitting that I’m shaking my head at her lol

Yes. It also adds the benefit that when they really want to be left alone they’ll be more likely to be able to do so because there won’t be a billion paps trying to get the first photo of them together as a couple.

I kinda disagree. She's a very smart business woman and she knows the type of music that sells is upbeat pop music (no different than Katy Perry or Kelly Clarkson in my opinion).

It’s so hard to imagine going through all that trouble for fame.

I think she’s howling with laughter over the fact that she’s boning the internet’s boyfriend, and the internet is collectively trying to prove to itself that she’s not.

First, I’ll say this is a fantastic idea for series. I love finding out this shit from publicists.

Yeah, it’s pretty obvious to me that they’re trolling.

It’s real, but they like fucking with the media because it’s really goddamn easy.