
Lmao, this is exactly what all the trolls on Twitter sound like. It's jealousy. You are spot on.

You all need to stop believing the tabloids. This is not good publicity, use common sense. How his Tom wearing that shirt going to help him get bond? Unless you do something completely crazy (illegal), your personal life seldom has an impact on your professional life. It’s denial at this point. People don’t want to

Beauty is the eye of the beholder. You should watch his interviews, it’s his entire persona that makes him attractive to me.

Your exactly right. Tom is super goofy and he is trolling the media 100% and their actually falling for it. Certainly, they are laughing at this whole thing.

I work in the media and people online can be so stupid sometimes lol. Absolutely, they had a conversation on how to handle the press. It’s a given as a celebrity. I truly believe that they are just not hiding and not giving a damn what others say about them.

Tom is hot AF which is why so many females are throwing hate at her. It’s jealously. Tom is a complete gentleman not to mention charming as hell. What woman wouldn’t want to be with him? How can I logically even hate on Taylor? Lol and yeah from the looks of it, they are totally fucking. It’s obvious.

I work in the media and that is 100% what they are doing. It truly looks like they DGAF what anybody thinks at this point.

I was skeptical at first but it’s definitely real. I don’t know Taylor but I KNOW Tom. He would never bring his family into this if it wasn’t real. Tom is actually a really goofy guy so idk why the media is making him seem all proper. I work in media and 100% Tom wore that shirt to troll the media. It’s basically his