Aston Martin Vespertine

Wrong car. The 61-64 Lincoln Continental ended the fin era.

It looks like The General is paying homage to some Australians. I can see this in Mad Max.




I love the green detailing on the door...ahem, I mean ‘chartreuse’.

I can’t imagine what all that moisture does to their lenses. The must go through them like crazy. I wonder if they have a repository of lenses disused due to mold infestation.

Somewhere, Tiff Needell and the hosts of Fifth Gear must be thinking: we can has our old show back?

All that’s missing is a copy of Vice magazine with a picture of cocaine lines and a razor blade to complete the hipster circle jerk.

That’s a pretty cool spin on the Audi logo.

I still want BRG.

The W220 was a technological masterpiece?

Looks like Microsoft’s Hololens. I think they need to put the cameras to the outer extremities left and right so it can read your hand gestures to control the images but you guys are right: this is a terrible idea to have when driving.

"Are you talking to me, Ferruccio? Are you talking to me?!?"

Weird camera effect there. The Rock’s head looks a lot bigger than Vin Diesel’s head and vice versa on the next shot. I always interpreted this as bad CGI work.

Is it weird that when I read the heading for the Bonhams SR400 "The Property of James May", I read it as "The Property of a Lady"?

Not to sound 8 yr old-like but I think a platform like that would benefit massively from a front-mounted retrofit of the Warthog's gun. It would be especially useful in close quarter urban settings where the Osprey could act as troop/equipment delivery system.

I am really sorry. Jalopnik can cast me out as a heretic but they still do nothing for me from a purely visual/skin deep level. The fact that they all been visually modded, I think, backs my hypothesis.

We’re not talking performance or value for money or the sweet, sweet 9000 rpm redline. This whole thread is all about aesthetics and it’s obvious Honda sacrificed it at the altar of engineering and engineering to a price. All I am asking for is a little bit of flair. Is that so sacrilegious?
