
Diablo III, perhaps one of the most self-serious games ever”

Leave it to the Browns to fire their head coach during his winningest season with the team.

Colin Kaepernick is not on an NFL roster.

Swap Arby’s with Joe’s Crab Shack and you’ve nailed it. 

Or...he’ll run the ball from his own 3 on 4th and 8, but won’t run the ball on 2nd and goal to go from the 1 in the Super Bowl?

So Pete Carroll will call a run on 4th and 8 from his own three-yard like, but he won’t accept the findings of the 9/11 Commission?

Carroll called the play “the Aussie sweep.”

Not you.

The past few years the quality has just sunk. This was the worst yet, I read these stories for easily a week and I can maybe remember 2 or 3. the winners are mostly garbage and obviously fake. I don’t care if people fake stories but you gotta make me believe it. Look at me is a good example. The instant I see all the

I made my boyfriend read the one about the writing on the kid’s door and he asked to be excused from all future scary story entries hahaha. Solidified as one of my favorites.

Yes, but everyone’s insurance is more expensive because getting hit at 3mph causes $1500 in damage.

^^^ Look at the poor who doesn’t climb inside his freezer to enjoy a frosty cocktail.

Wait, we don’t say “maiden name” anymore? When did that get retired?

After four reviews, just... oh my freaking god, we get it. You read Shirley Jackson. You liked Shirley Jackson. You really wanted this to be the TV adaptation of Shirley Jackson. Can we please move on already?

Seems like you're the one trying hard to make it an issue.

So, are these reviews essentially recaps with some light criticism thrown in? I’m surprised that there’s no mention of Victoria Pedretti’s gobsmacking performance as Nell, which has to rank among the best I’ve seen on television. Unfailingly genuine, inventive, and expressive stuff, which sells every second of it.

Yeah, I’m enjoying the show so far and never expected a completely faithful adaptation, so the repeated “why isn’t this like the book???” is getting old...

I am not as down on this show as the reviewer is, I actually think it is very well done. It is terror meets family drama. All the family has been forever affected by what happened to them and as a multipart series the scares actually are dolled out pretty well. The thing this series does well and what a horror movie

This episode - especially the last few minutes - purely did me in, y’all. Emotionally, I mean. Just — stick a fork in me, I’m done. This fucking house! Poor Nellie.

I’m beginning to think that the problem with these ‘binge’ reviews is that they don’t give the reviewer time to move on from their initial impression (also they get knocked off the front page too quickly, but that’s a different issue.) In this case, we’ve got three consecutive reviews of “this isn’t like the book. I