Go Like Hell Machine

Man, I wish they would get a single decent men's designer. Just one! I don't want to wear board shirts and ill-considered t-shirts all summer!!

@Go Like Hell Machine: (and also, who gives a damn what I think is funny? I have a terrible sense of humor!)

@cocoesq: You know what? Go ahead. Mock whatever you like. I'm not going to stop you and I'm probably not going to complain about it (unless it isn't funny, and I happened to think this was - all in your own interpretation, I suppose).

@Miss Pelled: Umm, there's an awful lot of money, power and industry in this country already invested in extolling the good things carried out in God's name.

@braak: HA! Still funny!

@tranquilmademoiselle: Come to think of it, I can't really think of the last time religion in general and Christianity in particular got a good ribbing. Dogma, maybe?

And for the record, the flippancy and decidedly un-serious nature of the discussion is what I find funny about it, not the actual subject matter.

@gold_gato: I disagree. I think it'd be pretty equally funny to see this done for any of the major religions.

Oh, come on. This obviously wasn't meant to be an even-remotely serious discussion on religion. And it's funny.

@TeenageGangDeb: And, actually, didn't even do that. She pretended to do it.

@Cam/ron: Wow, I hadn't read that. I dislike her piece (and underlying attitude) even more now.

@the martyrist formerly known as charlotte corday: Yeah, I agree, the anti-choicers will use anything they can get their hands on, but seriously, if you're going to give them something this potent to wield as a fund raising weapon, dear God, at least let there be purpose behind it.

@the martyrist formerly known as charlotte corday: I think part of it is that, so far, I don't think I've seen a compelling argument for her project that doesn't scream entitled, shallow or self-serving. She really genuinely didn't seem to notice or give a shit about the potential repercussions of her actions (which

Goddammit, Gawker Media, you need new hamsters for the comment server.

@the martyrist formerly known as charlotte corday: Umm, they're totally not the same thing. Not in the least. I get that you're not feeling the making fun of her outfit, and I can understand that, but trying to equate a teenage girl who was bullied and lied to by people she thought she could trust with an

@expatriatedjerseyan: That's what I mentioned earlier... It absolutely will not matter that this is a joke. So, congratulations, Aliza, you just dumped a potential couple million dollars or more into anti-choice campaigns, fundraisers, etc.

@expatriatedjerseyan: Tenure or not, her professor almost certainly has a shitstorm ahead of her.

@Athaliah: Here's the problem as I see it; even though it wasn't real, it won't matter. This is still the type of thing that will get passed around fundamentalist groups, mailing lists and churches - no matter that it isn't true.