Go Like Hell Machine

With all due respect, the entire article (while not completely flawless) is really pretty good. It does a great job covering Fallon's background and opinions.

Did anyone happen to read that interview with Fallon? Him not being in charge is a really, really bad thing. He was pretty much the only voice of reason willing to stand up and say, 'Hey, this whole bomb-Iran thing is a fucking asshat idea, and you people are retarded for pursuing it'.

@olivia2.0: No shit. Where does a somewhat well-rounded, but generally congenial drunk sign up to maintain a blog for a magazine? 'Cuz I could totally rock that shit without making women feel bad or men look like jackasses.

The dudes' average over there is 12? For their whole life?............

@cheerupsylvia: I haven't chimed in much on this thread, but that Ken Starr comment could potentially really, really fuck Clinton up in the next week or two, provided the Obama campaign pounds them for it.

@Skinny Bone Jones: I think I misread your earlier post. In any case, I'm spending the rest of my evening watching my dog kick her legs while dreaming.

@broad: I've thought about that, and, sadly, I really don't think so. I suspect most of it is just plain old bragging and proof of their deeds to similar degenerate nightmares.

@Gingerlime: True. I'm moving to fucking Mars.

@Gingerlime: Can we separate males into two genders? I'm really uncomfortable being a part of a group that perpetrates such horrible madness.

@Skinny Bone Jones: Here's another example; the marine that threw the puppy off the cliff. His zeal to boast about it, video it and post it is what will almost certainly guarantee his swift and aggressive prosecution.

@Skinny Bone Jones: The woman in question implies that she most likely wouldn't have reported it had she not known the video was online.

I've actually given an ex-girlfriend (or two) a reason (or two) to be suspicious, and, still, this would be a complete deal-breaker for me.

@BeAgrestic: Ehhh, I actually don't agree with blaming YouTube on this one.

@katekate: I would usually agree with you. I just think the magnitude of cruelty in this instance (and, indeed, calculated planning of that cruelty) warrants a different response than you think it warrants. And I strongly agree that socio-economic, class, parenting and neighborhood issues are the root causes of a

@katekate: In hindsight, that might not have been the best choice of words. I just thought your comment was a little flippant, so I chose an ill-advised flippant response to it.

@katekate: And because rehabilitation for sex offenders is so effective.

@vegemitekid: I don't know if it's happening more often, or if it's just reported on more frequently.

@petuniacat: See, that's kind of what I'm getting at. I don't think there really is a good rehabilitation for these types of crimes. And here's where the moral fiber of me and the social liberal of me get into conflict; I don't really think these monsters deserve rehabilitation. I don't think they deserve juvenile