Go Like Hell Machine

My question is this; how do you rehabilitate a group of teenagers who rape and torture a woman for 14 hours?

I bought six boxes of girl scout cookies from a woman I work with this year. Thin Mints and Trefoils (and coffee and cigarettes) keep me from killing my co-workers and or myself.

Dude, seriously? SERIOUSLY? Leaving out the fact that the DS rant is entirely cruel, unnecessarily vicious and totally stupid... Lily Allen is way fucking hot and rad.

@rocknrollunicorn: Let's hope not. But, even if it is, I'll probably be wasted, incoherent and near unconsciousness and/or insanity the whole time, so I probably won't notice.

Denver - I don't know about skee-ball, but the Falcon totally has cheap booze, bands and cheap bowling. Fucked up lanes, but bowling nonetheless.

@cupcakesofdeath: No joke. I'm going to be in Chi-town in like, two weeks, and I'm probably going to die. Luckily, I'm going for a friend's birthday, which'll be fun. He's like a drunker, older, meaner version of me.

The Spin interview with Rilo Kiley left me with a serious visceral distaste for him.

@cupcakesofdeath: Yeah, but I live in Denver, which is fucking boring.

I'd say the "Ingrid Newkirk special" isn't getting here fast enough.

Only if I fly across the country to do so, unfortunately.

Where are the restaurants staffed by tattooed, foul-mouthed, attitude-wielding, hard-drinking, mean-ass women. Because that's where I want to go.

This is totally irrelevant, but SM is my new crush for the Last Caress shout-out.

I agree that it's a dangerous drug, but not that it's as immediately addictive as a lot of commenters here have mentioned.

@AbbyNormal: Who'd have known Arcata, CA had so much in common with Hell?

@Archetype: Older brothers are kind of overrated. Seriously. I am one.

I go either way on this. Or, rather, I just simply don't find it offensive.

Random, meaningless posting here... all the 'tattoos are hot' posting are an awesome self-esteem booster for a dude who has a ton of tattoos.

Here in CO, a friend of mine got dosed with Ketamine and ended up in the hospital a few weeks ago. Fun times.