Go Like Hell Machine

The reason so many guys like him (including me) is that he's a really good example of masculinity without being a macho asshole. He's also pretty stylish without being a metro. These things both make him exceptionally rare.

I have a visceral dislike for Elijah Wood. Also, completely and totally 100% irrational.

I really, really, really wish Sharon Jones got half of the attention Amy Winehouse does.

I can't lie. I've said something almost identical to this to an ex of mine after a kitchen disaster. It was meant to cheer her up, and did.

@TruculentandUnreliable: Funny enough, that competition is exactly why I'm a guy who tends toward female friends.

@rocknrollunicorn: Really, the Navidson Record part of the story was the most fascinating to me. I got bored with the rest of it.

@rocknrollunicorn: Nah, you can read that one. Just stay away from the other one. Unless you LIKE reading things that both give you migraines and royally piss you off. Like Drudge.

@Go Like Hell Machine: BTW, for those of you who haven't heard of Only Revolutions, you're supposed to read like, 8 pages from the front, then 8 pages from the back, and it's supposed to indicate the same story written from two different perspectives.

I actually liked (some) of House of Leaves, but he way overused the formatting tricks. It makes sense when in the labyrinth, but after awhile, it slows down the story.

This is one of those things that I think would be awesome in theory, but might give me a migraine (or just piss me off) actually reading. See also: House of Leaves and particularly Only Revolutions by Mark Z. Danielewski.

@drunkexpatwriter: Indeed. The tone of this comment thread kind of baffles me.

You know, "Girls are all catty bitches" is exactly the same gross generalization as "Guys are all about the sechs". Both are exaggerated and obnoxious.

My last girlfriend read my journal, which contained some really old love letters to another girl which I wrote drunk and (wisely) never sent. I kept them because, frankly, I forgot I had them. She read them and our entire relationship never recovered, primarily because they weren't dated and she couldn't ever get

@jenndavo: I would gladly trade you Colorado for pretty much anywhere you live.

I totally just bought a lowrider bike and am STOKED to start working on it and tricking it out.

@BeachLover420: As I was mentioning in an earlier post, it's unbelievably difficult to force someone into treatment (or even restraints!) against their will.

@Seeräuber Jenny: Like I mentioned earlier (though probably not very lucidly), I don't necessarily think that our country is blanket over-medicated. I'm unconvinced that the country at large is over-medicated.

@Seeräuber Jenny: I don't entirely disagree with you, but the blog you linked to only emphasizes that there's quite a bit of disagreement about the effectiveness and necessity of modern pharmacological solutions to mental health issues.

Overall, I don't really think more stringent gun control laws are going to prevent problems like this particular wave of school shootings, and it wouldn't have much impact on street crime, either.