Go Like Hell Machine

@notaclevername: I sent someone the "My true love is out there and they can go fuck themselves" card to a friend earlier.

@dotcomdork: In my experience (which I've got a considerable amount of), drinking afterward is fine. The biggest problem I've had is nearly passing out or banging fresh ink on a bar, wall, etc., which hurts like a son of a bitch.

Those white shoes and white belt are terrible. They look like something Steve Martin would have worn in The Jerk. Which is a look only Steve Martin can pull off.

@AmyFrances: I should send him to the bar I worked at. They'd eat his ass alive.

@AmyFrances: I still stand by my statement yesterday that there's no way this guy can walk around Gainesville for his entire time in school with this attitude and not get the shit kicked out of him.

@AmyFrances: There are also some super short guys out there, too.

@AmyFrances: Hey, don't knock the short guys. We're not all misogynist douchebags!

@ArmansCopyOfSwank: I think you're probably right, to a degree. But I suspect he was one of those "LOOK AT ME I'M A NICE GUY, GO OUT WITH ME OMG!!!" types, as opposed to just naturally being a decent human being. That's what turns those types into fucking pricks. It's the perception that they should be rewarded for

I find that my relationships with women are complicated enough as it is. I don't really think that I want to try and be a good boyfriend or husband to two women, when I so often fuck it up so badly with one.

Well, I guess the upside is that there is no possible way this guy can be this much of a dick in Gainesville, FL and NOT get his ass kicked. Motherfuckers is crazy down there and basically fight for no reason whatsoever.

@rocknrollunicorn: Agreed. Though, I'd like to add that alcohol is required. Because, Hey! I'm a drunk!

@rocknrollunicorn: If you find that particular dating site, let me know. I, umm, have a friend who can't seem to have a good date to save his life. And by "his", I mean "my".

@lolainblackglasses: Really, I'd just like to get past the point where I have to give someone a card to call me. Ha.

@lalaland13: There are a lot more of us like that than you think...

I suppose the reason I always feel a little foolish about giving my business card is because my job really is only interesting to me, and I'm always sheepish about trying to explain what I do to other people.

@noseriously: This is true. Though, I suspect the man you're looking for is usually a waiter.

@noseriously: They don't hold up so well in a jacket pocket.

RE: the business card bit - I've done this a couple of times, and have always felt like a bit of a cad about it. But as convenient as it might sound, carrying pen and paper everywhere isn't actually convenient.