Go Like Hell Machine

And while I'm at it (because I'm sick, tired and irritable), what fucking man uses the term pissy-poo. In an EMAIL?

@Susan B.: If you're polling dudes... I've not used the "well, you're just such a good friend" excuse since, oh, shit, probably middle school? If I want to date a friend (and vice versa, obv), I will.

@blackbirdfly: Fuckwittery is my new favorite word of the week. It totally beats my jackassery.

@Go Like Hell Machine: But, I'm thinking about trying out a straight razor, which will probably bump that 15-minute mark up quite a bit. At least, if I value my life.

I manage to take about 15 minutes to get ready to do anything - go to work, go out, whatever, and in that time:

@vanishingirl: I've been running a fever for like, four days, so everything's a little funny at this point.

@Go Like Hell Machine: Goddammit, SCORCHED, not SCORTCHED. Scortch sounds like a mix between clear tape and a skort.

@rah29: Oh, in principle, I definitely agree. I just think after the scortched-earth policy of seemingly every candidate (R or D) of the last, shit, 16 years (?), it's going to be a winner-take-all election in the end. And the prospect of a McCain/Huck presidency is seriously fucking scary as hell. I'm an

@rah29: Oh, I'm not saying she's unelectable based on that. But I don't think there's as much underlying bile for McCain as there is Clinton. there certainly is some.

@westcoastsally: I think you're perfectly rational about it. Also, most of the actual messengers (not the one-summer-while-I-was-in-college types) or avid cyclists I know who aren't assholes think you're rational about it too.

@Mommy's Little Attention Whore:

And, incidentally, it's tough to ride my bike in the snow up here. But then again, the front tire's only 8" in diameter.

@vanishingirl: HA! For very different reasons, though, so you're safe in that it's not at all the same thing. I don't think you're in any danger of turning into a mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging, braggart radio host anytime soon.

@SarahMC: It's interesting, though, that the article you posted kind of highlights that Hillary Clinton is a fairly divisive public figure. Whether or not that's her fault is open to interpretation - and I think that is actually a conversation worth having. Nonetheless, it will give her problems if she takes the

I suspect that a number of Obama supporters will most likely change their tune about Hillary if she gets the nomination, and vice versa. Particularly if (as kind of predicted) McCain nominates Fishin' Buddy Huckabee as his VP.

Gainesville, FL used to have a TON of bikes all over the city that were painted bright yellow. The awesome thing was that they were ostensibly made available for anyone to use anywhere. You simply saw one, picked it up, and returned it to a bike rack when you were done.

This sort of reminds me of the doc who had control over Brian Wilson for so many years. Except more fucked.

I'm going to quote Denis Leary on this one:

@minesbigger: True that, and, actually, Braak made the point much better than I did, that while we can speculate about what he might have done, we can certainly make decisions on what she has done.