Go Like Hell Machine

@minesbigger: Yeah, but saying Obama might have voted for the war is like saying you or I or Moe or Nick Denton or FDR might have voted for the war. Given his numerous public standings on it at the time, I think it's fair to assume he would not have voted for it.

@katastic: @SarahMC: I have no idea what she should do. But Warmaiden made the point that she has to address it, and SinisterRouge said she has been addressing it. I don't really see that.

@SinisterRouge: How has she been addressing it? It usually seems like her attitude is, "Well, if people don't like me, then whatever". Which is fine for us not running for office, but if you're running for the highest office in the country, ignoring or not addressing it isn't really an option.

@rachystyle: Some of the commenters don't. I do.

@BettyBoopster: Yeah, but if you're going to mention that, both Bill and Hillary Clinton (and I'm grouping them here because they've done it frequently on their own) have skeletons in their closet. In fact, shit, their skeletons have their own closets, with skeletons in them.

@SinisterRouge: Bill may not exactly equal Hillary, but don't fool yourself into thinking he won't wield a significant amount of influence in the White House (again).

@SinisterRouge: I've made this point before when explaining my vote for Obama, but I (respectfully!) disagree with ya. I think that, in a head-to-head between McCain and Clinton, Clinton will hand-deliver the knuckle draggers, fear-mongers and church-nutters from every backward-ass hole in the country out to vote.

DAMN! Where is Then Unethicist when you need him!

Wow, Meghan McCain's playlist is kind of impressive, at least for the child of a presidential candidate.

@marin79: I can't agree that she will have a better chance in the general election. Look at the vitriol hurled at her now, while we're still in the primaries. Just wait until the GOP has the chance to air commercials saying she drinks babies-blood and wants to castrate your husband. I mean, look at the teeth that

@BinderClip: Coincidentally, I'm with you on the war stance. I can understand the argument that she might not have known better, but the point is that she should have.

@SinisterRouge: Exactly. There's a lot of very valid reasons to vote/not vote for any of the three Dem candidates. I don't think that Hillary Clinton would make a bad candidate in another election, I just don't think she's the best choice in this particular election.

@SarahMC: It's not that she initially voted for the war, it's that, even to this day, she hasn't owned up to that not being the best decision.

@SinisterRouge: All heresay, but supposedly, Kennedy was pissed off about Bill Clinton's outright falsehoods regarding Obama's war record.

@SarahMC: I think he's gotten his share of unfair remarks (see: "Hussein" Obama, educated in a madrassa, closet Muslim, etc.), it just hasn't stuck like a lot of the unfair remarks have with her.

@Political Party Girl: @TruculentandUnreliable: I can see what you mean, but I just can't agree. I think that's kind of having it both ways. It would seem that her use of "Hillary" isn't just an attempt to keep clear of "Clinton for Prez!", it's also part of her team's overall strategy to "humanize" her (which, for

What I really dislike is that the bullshit, non-issue criticism about Hillary Clinton (what she wears, her lipstick, etc.) masks and obfuscates the real, legitimate criticism of her policies.