Go Like Hell Machine

@AndSheSaid: One thing I am curious about... did anyone from SLCOutsider link to the site on a a previous comment board? Not that they needed to, it's just... interesting... that such prolific commenters would never once link on any of the several political-ish posts that Jezebel (not just Moe) puts up every single

Didn't Jezebel have some mentions and/or pictures of Romney's sons in a prior (or, multiple prior) posts? I don't have the time to research it (or care enough about it).

@notbetty: I can certainly attest that my variety of them would not.

No "Local coffee shop that doesn't cost an arm and leg" option?

@ilovejohnnythunders: Completely and totally unrelated to this post, but your screen name is fucking Doll-tastic.

Were I dating someone who spent $700 a month on makeup/ beauty/ appearance related nonsense, I would seriously question their sanity.

@KillMeNow: Five blocks from my house, too. And, strangely, I've never actually been there.

Rhinestone Terminator would be a great fucking glam band name.

@Jeremy: Nice. "Jeremy stands for creative, new solutions for poor parenting. Jeremy stands for better education in parenting. Jeremy stands for immolation. Jeremy is the candidate of change."

@Jeremy: Do you have a donation site set up for your platform yet? I'm down with incineration.

@rocknrollunicorn: Really? There are guys that complain about using a condom? Because, umm, this guy I know is just happy to be having sex.

@AndSheWas: My father just told me not to bring home any goddamn babies.

I keep them in my t-shirt drawer next to my bed. A little high school, but convenient. She didn't cry, I agree. However, at least from the polling results, her "displays" helped to sway undecided voters in NH, especially women. So, whether calculated or not, Clinton's "crying" or "being upset" had an impact on the results, and very well may have tipped the scales her direction.

One last thing I might point out is that Moe's posts tend to be pretty equal-opportunity vitriolic, as do a lot of the comments on the site. While, ostensibly, it's primarily a site for women, men do read it, and yes, take note when broad generalizations are made (virtually every day) about men. You don't typically

@katastic: I absolutely disagree that Clinton would have the nomination if she were a man. There's an awful lot that folks don't like about her (me included) that has absolutely nothing to do with her gender. That's like saying Obama would have it if he were white.

@purgle: Say what you will about Huckabee (like, say, that he's a religious nut, that's he's essentially anti-woman, and that his economic plan is batshit insane — all of which are at least somewhat based in reality), he's no dittohead. He's pretty clearly a republican of an independent (albeit, again, batshit

@stoprobbers: Explain or cite 35 years in government. While I wouldn't argue that being married to a successful governor and president would have some influence, it's not the same as actually holding elected office.

@hortense: Agreed. This points out a really interesting sea change in new media, which is, at a "traditional" media establishment, this post never would have been published. You take the good with the bad. By their nature, you're going to get blogs that publish whatever poorly-worded, ill-timed opinions that a