Go Like Hell Machine

@purgle: Maybe Giuliani, but certainly not Huckabee. Huckabee's actually been remarkably critical of the current administration. Which is, coincidentally, why the GOP machine isn't behind him.

@GoodEmployee: Is there another Jezebel contributor that could have written a post that garnered so many impassioned responses so quickly, do you think? I'm not being a dick, I'm honestly asking...

And, while I'm apparently on a commenting binge, there's an awful lot of hate for Moe out here in teh blogworld, which I don't really understand.

Another thing that I've noticed is that an awful lot of criticism of Clinton seems to be attributed to sexism, or to her husband's record, when, in reality, there's an awful lot Hillary has done to herself that deserves scrutiny and criticism.

You know, really, Hillary could be the greatest president ever, and right now, I still wouldn't vote for her. Over two decades of Bush/Clinton makes me sick. Dynasty is bad, no matter the stripe.

Goddamn, there's a lot of Jezebel readers/commenters.

@Benevolent_Dictatrix: My charming and witty digital personality is diminished only by my cynical and bitter real-life personality.

@titania1285: Ugh. That does suck. All the more reason I stay home and drink alone.... ahem, I mean, go out and drink with friends all the time, when I drink, which isn't very often at all, and is only for special occasions, and, wait... who's that dude with the 'Clear Skies Retreat' brochure who's blocking the door?

@Auntie: Yeah, no joke. Which makes being a single, straight guy AWESOME.

@mercymercyme: And, though I'm posting on Jezebel, I'm not a lady. Cheers, though!

You know, I've only lived here a bit over a year, but this is the same city that spawned a guy who:

@Go Like Hell Machine: Of course, you usually have to pick us up off of the floor at the end of the night.

Ha! Us Irish guys are just happy someone's talking to us at the bar. Asking someone to do my cooking, cleaning and laundry would be such a disgrace that my grandmother would backhand me from the grave.

@kikiGee: Two bottles in two days is a problem?

@titania1285: Ha! You had leftover booze? I don't have leftover booze after sitting at home alone on a Wednesday night, much less New Year's!

@amandahugnkiss: Denver's pretty lenient toward the pot, so that's not too surprising.

I can't imagine how women feel when seeing this shit. I'm a man (or, at least, a 27-year old boy), and feel uncontrollable rage when I see this shitbag in advertisements. Like, 28 Days Later-style rage that makes me want to run through the street devouring shaved-head assholes in sleeveless shirts and goatees. I