Go Like Hell Machine

Surprise, surprise, reviews on the website are "Coming Soon!"

@Kataroo_Kangaroo: If we're drinking there, I'll definitely end up needing the bail money.

@Kataroo_Kangaroo: For sure! You should get drunk at the British Bulldog down the street, then go in there. I'd even join you for that, once I save them cash to bail myself out of jail.

@Kataroo_Kangaroo: Hey, another Denver resident! Do you find yourself resisting an almost impossible urge to throw your television out the window when this asshole's ads come on late at night? Because I do.

He looks f-n RAD and scary in The Dark Knight.

@emmablack: I think you're absolutely right, and I think Iran is one of the only countries in the region that has the clout to do it.

@maggiebeth: I've been following your chain of reason, and while I don't agree with everything you've said, I think you've done a pretty good job of explaining your side of things, until now:

@snarkhunting: Though, I would suggest that faith tends to be very, very easily co opted by those who would use it as a tool of oppression.

@mynameisrio: I think there's a whole lot of areas in which the US needs to return to thinking out of the box.

Good for you, dude. There aren't enough of us (dudes) who see things this way.

@bringinghomebacon: Just to be clear, that wasn't a criticism, I was just momentarily taken aback. Ain't my business or care what other folks do with their money.

@bringinghomebacon: $1000! Holy shit that's a lot of money to get from your gramma! I mean, you know, spend your money how you want, and cheers to you and all that. But damn!

@Bigggnasty: Interestingly (and surprisingly), in the media, I'm already seeing her referred to as a martyr. Of course, this will probably be gone by end of day.

@Go Like Hell Machine: You don't realize how much you use your 'H' key until it starts going out on you. Musarref = Musharref

@TruculentandUnreliable: Absolutely. And, frankly, it just doesn't seem that Musarref would take a risk like this when the entire country is on the verge of chaos as is. It seems like this would either be an extraordinary miscalculation on his part, or an attempt by the religious extremists in the country to jump

I'm echoing a comment someone else made earlier, but possibly the most frightening aspect of this situation to me is, if Musharref is overthrown, then what?

@hooplehead: I dunno. Their kid will have to compete with Brody Dalle and Josh Homme's kid for most rock and roll. Even though, I guess, technically, neither the Chemical Brothers nor Lily Allen are "rock and roll".

Haley sounds like most of the girls I date. Or, rather, most of the girls I would date, if they'd date me.

Amy Winehouse's beehive is becoming the female rockstar equivalent of Robert Smith's giant mess. Not that I mind either, mind you.

This is the type of thing I'd post to Craigslist completely wasted while trying to make up the most unabashed, idiotic, assholish thing I can think of - just to satisfy my curiosity about who actually fucking answers ads like this.