Go Like Hell Machine

@Go Like Hell Machine: This doesn't justify the Girls' book being lame, I'm just wondering if that partly explains some of why it is...

I'm just curious, but I wonder if part (a small part, mind you) of why the Boys' book is so much better than the Girls' is because, as @lisas mentions, the Boys' book is trying to reinstill a culture which has largely eroded - whereas, I think a successful (and really good) Girls' book would be trying to instill a

@Go Like Hell Machine: Nothing like a Christmas that literally encourages you to drink yourself to death.

@sumac: Here, here.

Isn't there a big debate in Canada over allowing Shariah courts to try certain crimes?

This would be referred to as "pushing your luck". Dude, just be happy you're with a woman at all. That's my strategy, anyway.

@hushnowcharlotte: I agree with you on the vegan hate not making any sense.

@ancientsociety: I know I said it was my last, but wanted to chime in and agree. I mentioned it earlier — I don't really see the big aborted fetus posters exactly turning the tide for the fundamentalists in the abortion wars.

And, as @ancientsociety: mentioned, PETA's got more than a bit of a glass houses problem.

@rocknrollunicorn: Not to mention that (what I would assume would be a large percentage) of men or women who wear fur typically aren't going to be swayed by a juvenile, name-calling website obviously geared at teenagers.

@saradanger: If that's the rationale behind this, PETA needs new PR advisers. I understand a lowest common denominator approach, but going in this direction shows a blatent disrespect and contempt for their intended audience. Which, I would think, isn't exactly the best approach when trying to find supporters.

@saradanger: Give me a break. This isn't even snarky, this is childish, condescending (not just to the Olsen twins, but to anyone who I assume they would want to reach), and outright laughable. This is the type of thing that not only damages PETA's credibility, but that of ALL pro-animal organizations because of

@LadyNo: I watched the same documentary, and Newkirk comes across as an arrogant, and quite possibly insane, egomaniac. PETA absolutely and totally disgusts me.

Couldn't there just be a general decree of "domestic violence is bad, period", and all these agencies combine to fight it, regardless of gender or orientation?

Ugh. I'm done with Amy Winehouse. I need a new celebrity trainwreck (with talent) to pine for.

American Apparel makes me want to wear a suit every minute of every day. And a gun.

@BiscuitDoughJones: I'm damn comment-happy today, but in my experience, if you have sex with a friend (even a few times) and get a sense of entitlement about it, it's the quickest way to ensure that you're definitely not going to again.