Malcolm Fitzgerald

Not really the best idea for brewing good tea... the tea ball is too small to let the tea leaves expand properly.

What about referring to the best 80s cartoon ever, Jem. Huh?

Also one very simple lesson. It is ok to try to make people feel joy. It's ok to feel joy. Joy is good especially when the premise of the film is ridiculous. This to me is why shows like Adventure Time work. Just go full on ridiculous with loads of sincerity and joy and it becomes infectious.

Ill just put this here.

To the Bebop dissenters, your reasons are sound.

You left something out.

It is a case of non-interference. It is a very good policy to have with species and communities that cannot or do not match our current level of development. I like to think of it as the "God Complex". The line in Star Trek: TOS — Return to Tomorrow. In it Sargon says: "One day our minds became so powerful, we

"maybe you hate beans and peanut butter"

This guy has zero lines throughout the entire movie, and is portrayed to be the muscle of the operation.

snu snu.

Vote: HD Homerun Prime

Plus, when you are making marinara, it's extra fun to answer the door!

Swype, hands down. Every other keyboard has copied it's 'swipe to type' feature, but it's got additional tricks like swiping above the keyboard to insert a capital letter that just makes it more refined than others, IMHO. If Swiftkey did this, I'd go with that.


Jesus, people, the movie was very explicit. The trees are big'm hard drives, the ponytail things are USB cables, and you get downloaded to the big'm tree if you plug in before you die. It's stupid, but it's not complicated.

Come on, DoD, I know there are lots of more important things but sometimes it's the little things that can make a difference. This should take two seconds.

I love io9 and the content the writers post is the best out there.....[here it comes]...BUT!

"with a movie featuring a homosexual stereotype Hutt"

Hutts are hermaphrodites, so that one doesn't really work.

Also, no love for Darth Bane and his founding of the "Rule of Two"?

If that dog is still alive after 10-15 years, I'd say they should have skipped investigating TAHITI and instead look into Buddy.

I'm just gonna say it. Fuck this movie. The sad thing is al the ingredients for a great Spider-man movie are in here. They just mixed it in all the wrong proportions and made some really poor choices...

Electro had a pretty legitimate beef with Oscorp which could have been a perfect motivation for his villainy. But