
Where is crazier’n u I want her to tell me my life is meaningless again

omg i knowwwww

Gap Kids

PS if you really want to judge my life choices, you should know I’m off sick today and I’m on my third straight episode of Police Women of Broward County, which was marathoned on TLC the other day and you’d better believe I DVR’ed that shit.

stop it FP I tell you about my sexploits in the STRICTEST OF CONFIDENCE.

Too bad we all judge yours <333

The last two cardigans I’ve bought at J. Crew, both in the last three months, have unraveled at a seam. Meanwhile I have cardigans from Smart Set, H&M and even fucking OLD NAVY that have managed to survive through several years of my terrible clothing-care habits.

Truffle butter is real, folks.

cotd and it’s only 10:46 est

TMI, Tyga.


Normally a fluff piece about Paul Rudd and Adam Scott would really appeal to me, as a semi-basic white girl in her twenties, but this morning it’s just kind of a hard sell.

I want to know who is starring these morons. WHO, PLEASE

She did shoot the whole day down, to be fair.

My cat is sitting next to me while i read the Gawker post about what we know so far. She whimpered and rolled over. Same, kitty. Same.


To quote pretty much verbatim what I texted to you yesterday, “mental illness isn’t a hall pass for being an asshole.”

I don’t have any coherent words to say about this horrific event yet, so right now I’ll just say, please think before you ungrey all the “but what about the white menz” trolls that have somehow already arrived at this article.

I have a futon covered in cat hair with your name on it

Stop fighting it