
Get this fucking family off tv please

If Tina Fey was in this, I would be so fucking amped.

Oh christ this is so bad

nonsense i’m sure you are very well-chinned

This is silly

Fuck this chinless perv and his entire stupid family.

Why do I feel like BJ Novak is probably a douche?

i’m died

i love this GIF

We should be talking about Peter Saarsgaaaaaard rocking the Canadian Tuxedo in that pic

They need to COOL IT with the liveblogging of all things.

I hate the phrase Picasso Baby

i love you

This is the most Florida thing I have ever seen.

It has a lot of spikes ok

My main takeaway from my very brief interaction with him was that he was exactly what I expected (in a good way!)

Ugh, that’s such a bummer! Honestly he was really cool — he was a customer in the shop I worked at as a part-time job when I was in grad school. His credit card wouldn’t go through because a lot of times, Canadian machines reject American cards because they don’t have security chips. I was fucking MORTIFIED and

i mean

you are my favourite person

idk man, I’m 5’2” and he didn’t have much on me