
Yikeeeesssss okay is my salon in Toronto okay, they all seem happy and normal and legit, ack, I’m nervous and scared.


I mean he talks to us a lot right, we’re as stable as it gets

dude he sent me a pic of the vegetarian chili he made the other night and I got real concerned

whatever FP


Not long at all. 4 weeks since we started talking, 1 week since we met. He’s really not used to online dating (I think I’m like, the first girl he’s ever met online - he says I’m not but I don’t believe him) so I think he’s a little apprehensive about how this all works and how Machiavellian it can be. I think he

I am catnip for idiots

A lot of people have extremely open FB accounts, which I think is also part of the stupidity gene. Like, if you have one or two interests in common with me that are listed on your FB and therefore show up on your Tinder profile, I can find you in like 30 seconds. And I can also find your girlfriend.

Somewhat related: I’m in the very early stages of seeing a guy BUT we really like each other but we’re in this extremely passive aggressive standoff about deactivating our Tinder accounts. He literally just “liked” the Moment I added last night and I feel hella awkward about it.

Yeppppp a few weeks ago a guy was RELENTLESSLY pursuing me on Tinder/texts and literally the bare minimum amount of Facebook digging revealed that he had a girlfriend.

I’ve never been a burger person! I’m a pizza girl. I’m literally like 57% made up of pizza.

Oh god that sounds so good.


Are you ready for this

OK off topic but can anyone confirm if the CBO sandwich is good because it’s been a hell of a week and I found out I have to come in on the weekend and I think I’mma comfort myself with some junk food today

bish where u going


It would def be called “Hold my beer, watch this.”