
Which teen will play Lainey (Janie? God I don’t even rememeber)? Zendaya? She’s too pretty. I’d never buy her as a loser. Someone help me out.

.... tell me. now.

lmao IT’S A JEZ LOVE STORY or something

I want to hug all of the NH Jezzies to my bosom. Also please hang out with me when I come home to visit my parents.

k so this is also what I do every time I go home. I am a WHORE for the “lime in the coconut” margarita.

brb i’m going to adopt a dog right now just so I can name it that. even if it’s a boy.

I think my personal icky feeling is because many, many people who are stricken with cancer don’t have the financial means or access to good enough care that their biggest concern is how much time they’re spending on the subway to get to their treatment. Because, in many cases, they’re going to have to choose between

tiny. face.

I love Drew’s writing, but goddamn. I can’t believe his wife agreed to have sex with him at least three times.

(“You go in with breast cancer and come out with stripper boobs.”) She told me it’s mostly a matter of a lot of time spent on the train to get uptown.

He just let it all happen. He’s like “okay! i’m a judge. woof!”

This GIF needs to be in every comments section. Today, tomorrow, and every day.

I think I’m pragnet just from visualizing that

And to think, Rand Paul is responsible for this revelation. Fucking Rand.

Idris Elba and Daniel Craig are basically the most attractive men currently walking the earth and there is ABSOLUTELY NO ROOM FOR DISCUSSION on this topic

Well I guess technically I moved away in ‘05 because as if I was going to stick around and go to St. A’s or something. Little high school alconleigh went to college far far away and spread her little alconwings. Except for the summers when I came home and was a Peddler’s Daughter barfly.

If only the faculty of our alma mater knew they were becoming KinjaFamous right now


I want zebra bed linens. :(

oh my god I haven’t had Hayward’s in YEARS. I was going through a phase with King Kone for awhile instead.