
I need this to happen I need this to happen I need it I need it I need it

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Haters to the left, Olaf is my king

I want to so bad but ... Terrence Howard. Ugh.

Girl you have no idea. He is SO BAD AT LIFE. A 31 year old should not be blowing all his money on ... well ... blow, and then have to call up his mammy in Ireland and ask her to Western Union him some money so he can pay his rent. Which actually might not be a problem anymore because his roommate, who owns the

My mom is a seamstress and she has sooooo many amazing 80's patterns. Might have to steal a few next time I go visit

I would watch your celeb doctor talk show. First guest: Baby Grande.

Cool gonna go watch this GIF on a loop to that song now. UP.TOWN. FUNKY-WUNK

Mine's Irish. It's ... a problem.

I might not remember what day it is, but fuck if I don't remember a random interview from c. 1999

To be fair, I'd get high and drunk as shit if I was getting dragged into being on the Dr. Phil show


I cannot.

JFC is she in my novel workshop at [university name redacted]? Because this is almost as bad as the shitty piece I just did a half-assed critique on.


Good taste is not a democracy.

I'm trying really hard to remind myself of that right now with a boomerang ex (he just keeps coming back no matter how hard I try to throw him!!!) Grumpy, moody, doesn't have his shit together, but oh my god so gorgeous and so so so so good at the sex things. All of them. Sometimes when we hang out, it's fun, but

We all have that ex, amirite

Every time I look at this I laugh a little more. It might be a New England thing. God bless these two lovebirds.

and a better dancer