
He does this privately, not publicly. I guess he’ll have to announce this every single time someone from the peanut gallery goes “but what about doing x instead lol”

I’d argue, in this case, that it has fucked with paying customers. The current going-ons with Origins and DRM is that the DRM is being called upon every movement action in the game, and may/may not have everything to with CPU usage being spiked at 100% constantly because of it. I have a super fuckin’ awesome processor

The stuff involving Modern Weirdness isn’t happening in “reality” for Bayek. It’s just Animus stuff laid bare for whoever decided to stumble upon it within these memories. I say this as someone who has not kept up with any of this past Revelations/Black Flag.

While I personally do not harbor ill will towards the individual humans that worked at Mad Cats, I, as an almost-daily player of Rock Band since 1 came out, do/did dread seeing that company being the sole maker of Rock Band peripherals. They were bad... I almost immediately went out and got an ION set of drums,