Guess what, Sega changed up an entire character’s appearance and voice actor in Judge Eyes when allegations of drug charges were brought to their attention.
Guess what, Sega changed up an entire character’s appearance and voice actor in Judge Eyes when allegations of drug charges were brought to their attention.
Well, now anyone who wants to read you has to jump through like 10 hoops first.
I don’t think a brief suspension is very much punishment at all, I’d have gone with something along the lines of a month’s ban and reduced earnings. But yes, they’re still a child, at that age it is a matter of ignorance due to different social norms, upbringing etc. Sounds like there’s plenty of time left for them to…
With you here. If you destroy someone’s life and livelihood, don’t be surprised if they don’t grow. There has to be room for people, especially children, to learn from their mistakes. I said all manner of horrible shit when I was a teenager. I’m still ashamed of some of the worst of it. But I was lucky enough to grow…
You’re back in the greys, bud. You said something that would piss of the staff?
The one part of the complaint where I kind of rolled my eyes was the bit about how oppressive it was to be surrounded by men who were nuts about videogames. To me that’s like working at Ferrari and complaining that everyone’s into cars. There are literally millions of average 9-5 jobs where you can just get on with…
I think we’d all do well to let the courts do their job before passing judgement here.
If it were legal to beat someone’s ass* when they are truly being a shitheel (and ONLY then), we’d live in a much more polite society. Frankly, I think it being illegal to assault assholes just encourages more assholes. I think there should be a legal concept of “justifiable assault”, just as there is justifiable…
XCOM Legends doesn’t impact XCOM 3 in terms of 2K allocating resources any more than NBA 2K21 impacts XCOM 3 or Borderlands 3 impacts it.
Pretty much. The responses here are all for burning the house to the ground, which seems a little extreme to me. It fucking sucks that these men have been doing this horrific shit, but corporate culture can change.
some quick Google searches seem to indicate that CoD has a lot of Trump supporters playing it.
Suggesting that men are rapists by default is pretty fucked up.
Right, but the franchise is owned and published by 2K, who bought Firaxis in ‘05. Iridium Starfish won’t be bankrolling the game - that’s literally why you have publishers in the first place. If you talk to developers you’ll quickly come to understand that they don’t actually want the contractual headaches that go…
I used to have a bunch of old magazines but I’ve moved quite a bit over the years, and each time I’ve let go of more. They’re lovely to dip into but they take up a lot of space and are heavy. I still have a few my favourite old issues and every time I open them up the nostalgia hit is heady.
There is zero competition for resources between this and the other titles.
Just ribbing you mate. I too am a Playboy article-reader.
And then they do, and it’s like that Fallout Shelter thing (free to play on PS4) which just has no game.
The pitch is very much “mobile games without the bullshit”, it seemed to me. There’s room for that to be interesting, I think.
Nicotine is a curse, man. I wish you the best.
Pretty much. EVGA have a limited avenue to fuck up in, here - Nvidia manufacture the chips, so if they want to undercut their competitors they need to use cheaper caps, resistors, etc. I’m not at all surprised to hear that a third-party vendor cheaps out on caps.