
all I have left is to finish the game on the hardest difficulty.

The zero contact thing to me is still a huge sticking point.

To make things even more complicated is that many developers seem to have opted to store this conversion algorithm on a server

To be clear, there’s a good chance I’d do the same if I was in his position. It’s understandable. If you have a public megaphone and your child goes missing and you’re panicking then naturally you’re going to use it.

On a long enough time scale none of us will survive this, not even the CCP. What’s your point, exactly?

I feel like we’re missing something here. What happened to get you permabanned..?

They seem dirt cheap on ebay here, they only sell for that price if they’ve got a bunch of extras or boxed etc. If you can put up with a Japanese unit they seem even cheaper, like £30 inc. shipping.

17, but yeah, you’re right.

considering that they care about their kids

Yeah petty much. At that age I’d head into town after school on a Friday and turn up home (looking much the worse for wear) on Sunday most weekends.

If they were just doing the footwork

You’re dressing up apathy as morality, and you’re wrong on both counts. It’s entirely fair to be upset at behaviour that places desirable items only in the hands of the richest in society. I’m fine waiting for a PS5 but I’m not about to shame others for wanting fun stuff.

It’s the aliasing that gives it away, IMO. It’s noticeable on a CRT over RGB, probably not so much on RF/composite. On that note I did always wonder why they went with a hard red edge against black for their logo, it seemed purpose-built to show rolling artefacts on RF and composite. The paint splashes in some of the

I’d add the N64 port of Starcraft, which at times has a huge amount going on. It does suffer from slowdown, but it’s really impressive nonetheless.

I also seem to remember that some 2D games were actually textures on polygons and not proper sprites, too. But I don’t have any examples, so I might be remembering that wrong.

you can sometimes see the PS1's telltale texture dithering patterns if you look very closely at the art of 2D games

A bidding war? When have they ever been in a bidding war with eachother.

I had a digital edition PS5 at Christmas (only one I could find), played Demon’s Souls and Astro’s Playroom and played a little of the PS4 selection that came with it, but the prices on ebay were double what I paid, so I sold it. I didn’t find the DualSense to be a game changer, but I know other people value haptics

Microsoft has only rarely had titles that can compete on the same level.

I played around with a free trial of PSNow on PC a few years ago. It wasn’t great for Bloodborne but I was really into that game at the time and would’ve been sensitive to even the tiniest bit of latency. I played half an hour or so of Disgaea (5, maybe?) and it was fine for that. Anything that’s turn-based would