
It would be more like a century or two. The Middle East is a clusterfuck.

I knew it’d go there. The “golden age” was just a brief period when they ran out of nearby nonbelievers to put to the sword.

Don’t underestimate the importance of the various Christian reformations that went on between the renaissance and the industrial revolution. It took awhile but the Christian religion slowly moved away from the bloodletting in the name of god and various other unsavory habits.

We have a death squad?! This changes everything.

Prince Albert is the worst.

I second this motion.

Jezebel death squad reporting here, you’ll get away with a warning this time because we are also very Pro Bacon.

I’ve never driven in Miami or LA, but I am a New Yorker, and I’d say Saudis are more aggressive.

I concur.

I see you have Parked yourself on the side of snark, but I ask you to Reverse course. This is a Nuetral website, we don’t want to Drive away people who don’t like Low humor.


We of the Jezebel death squad are amused. You may proceed.

Eh. Saudi women drivers can’t be any worse than the men. The men are basically every raging-entitled-dickbag-behind-the-wheel stereotype you can come up with.

My dad bod is ready

But how are they supposed to see well enough to see?

I miscalculated dropping into the seat of my old 240sx once and landed right on the side of the bucket seat (with old-ass padding worn down to nothing)

“It’s about damn time!”    *said in deep voice*

you better watch out for Jezebel death squads

Well women have already been driving men for thousands of years...

A racy statement by the prince, and a real shift of gears from their traditions in SA. Would be a real transmission from current laws.