
Considering Hillary wanted to do a no fly zone on Syria. War with Russia was a real possibility with Hillary.

We are being reactionary and sucking while at it

It was South Carolina and I doubt Dylan will get away with it since the fucker is representing himself. I put 100 dollars on it!

Dude I don’t even know how this is a hard case. Fucking a this is suppose to be a grand slam case

I still don’t understand why Jezebel hasn’t taken a harder stance on Nate parkers rape. He gang raped a passed out women and got off because jurors were stupid.

Well atleast he didn’t get fucked up. NFL player can beat someone to death with their bare hands.

Constitution! What is that.

You will get banned

Unless it’s self defense.

Shh don’t break the narrative

Dude was an NFL player. He could easily kill him with his bare hands

Scottie Hughes should never show her face after being Ethered by Ana Navarro

Yeah I don’t get why some of the commentators are hating on this. Their being reactive and going against jobs staying. I’m getting a bit confused here

It did help obama win the swing states of Ohio though. It was a good thing for many workers.

That’s a scary projection but honestly I would doubt it. Liberal and progressive has become a bad word in non democratic strongholds and that’s a problem.

Especially those big city democrats who know they will win every election so they are crooked as fuck. Not saying small town crooked republicans don’t exit but something about crooked democrats irk me.

Why does that sound so much like the wire?

FUCking A this is good +1

Goldberg is hilarious!

I bet you will be jezzbanned