
Nah the Soviet Union totally disintegrated especially as a global military power.

God I wish he got more work, especially in movies.

Next we’re gonna learn that the UK and America’s intelligence work together!

Old joke: How do you know the CIA didn’t kill JFK? A: He’s dead, isn’t he?

Excuse me old chap, but he’s currently in Britain, so MI5/6 get first dibs on any ‘unfortunateness’ involving him accidentally slipping on a bar of soap at the top of a steep flight of steps before falling onto a poisoned man-eating tiger whilst in possession of an Australian accent.

So Chelsea Manning is a hero (is she not?), but Julian Assange is a tool?

But something something transparency bullshit something!

Sadly there are a lot of American citizens at both ends of the spectrum who think the same thing.

The most dangerous people are the ones who believe their destruction is for the greater good, or working for a higher cause.

This is my surprised face:

Assange is interesting, because I get the sense that he’s convinced he’s on the side of the angels and he could never be co-opted. He seems like he’s got a real Manichean streak and thinks that anybody opposing American/US hegemonic secretiveness must be a good actor.

Julian Assange. No one wants to go out with you. So you can go dress up your cat now.

Not entirely true. More jobs will be saved that those 800 jobs support. Delivery drivers taking supplies to the factories, local restaurants where the workers may eat, raw material supplier jobs. This job multiplier is what people forget. This 800 jobs support 4x their number. 

Listen here, commie, there’s rural voters to not-really-save, so we gotta give em handouts! Save the endangered North American Cracker!

So I was supposed to go to the Rifftrax Holiday broadcast today. But the theater I always go to was, with no explanation, not showing it. So I took the day off work and was denied even the tiniest scrap of comfort or joy, in a personal teeth kick from 2016.

The draft is nessicary. Not acutally using it, but having the system in place because if we did find ourselves in need of growing the army tenfold in a year there has to be some way to do it.

I think we need the draft, and with extremely tight controls on deferments. Politicians should have to face the chance war will affect their own families, and we shouldn’t enter war without public support.

Kellyanne reminds me of a worn-out, fucked up animatronic at a pizza restaurant where the one eye doesn’t open all the way.

“and many families across the Bay Area are unable to afford them”

The problem though is you shouldn’t use political benefits to pay off personal debts. There’s a lot of gray areas involved like this comment.