
Go start up. Stop blaming others who have for not sharing their spoils with you. You don’t deserve it.

Dude, WHAT? Alcohol is quite frequently a factor in fights/violence and I’ve never heard someone argue that it would calm things down.

I once went to a Hooters and noticed that 100% of the servers were women. Where is the social outcry for this “lack of diversity”?

And where is the credible evidence for these claims? Where is the proof that there is bias or that more women and minority owned businesses will operate without a bias?

When NFL star Sean Taylor was killed in a home invasion.

Seriously? If you don’t know the vile shit he posts, kindly fuck off.

They’re full of shit, BTW. I have never posted rape/torture GIFs or anything even remotely like that. There was a troll at one time who did, but it sure as hell wasn’t me (and Jezebel successfully got rid of whoever was doing it).

Seems like it, especially in the tech industry, which has no shortage of Asians... but I keep hearing about the lack of diversity in the tech industry, because there aren’t enough black people.

Is the shooter a product of his community and elected officials? Yes. But if everyone was armed as you claim McKnight would still be alive. Research the stats on cities with strict gun control laws and those that wisely allow gun ownership and cc permits. Then go look at Switzerland’s rate of gun ownership and their

Because that’s not a politically correct answer.

Even if you are applying for a non-development position in a tech company, having a tech degree will put you ahead of other applicants.

What about the dude that ran his car into a crowd at Ohio State? Should we do away with cars?

yes, one piece of trash human being shoots another in an isolated road rage incident, and the whole country is scary. over 350 million people in this country, and approx. 12,000 or so are killed every year in gun-related violence. I’d say your odds of being shot in this scary country are slim to none.

In my experience, yes.


An uneducated society and a society that no longer cares about raising children with two parents and where religion is frowned upon.

Wait til you get a load of 2017...

Oh Gizmodo! You can’t have it both ways

That was Tomato Face, not Locomotive Jones. (The person who used to post crude photos. )

Yeah, I’ve never seen Locomotive Jones do that. I think you’re making it up.