
Ms. Bachmann's wardrobe choices are the least of her problems. I suggest starting with Haldol, and working up from there, if necessary.

Prediction: Kim K. will go full "Kirstie Alley" within 10 years time. Then I will is a skill? Sure, so is lying....oh, sorry, I was being redundant.

@stacyinbean: Please, it's called the "frontispiece," if you would! Hey, brother....

1) Don't click on obvious fake web sites; 2) If it is "Kardashian-endorsed," it's probably a bad idea. Pass.

@Ian Shook: I have had a similar experience in my (15th fl) high-rise apt. Someone suggested it might be the elevators? Seemed a little crazy at first, but I am not the one moving off my couch! Would love for someone to follow up on this.

...and not a speck of cereal! Oh, wait...that's dog food. kidding!

@cheshirecat99: Bingo! This guy is not far away from General Ripper, imho.

I hope that Mr. Cain is also aware of Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids. What a whackjob...

I have to agree with Mr. Manjoo, and have been fighting this for years. I work in the legal industry, and lawyers tend to be very conservative in their habits. It is virtually impossible to get them to stop double-spacing after periods and colons, and in fact, I have been corrected when I tried to introduce that

A terribly sad letter. I am so sorry that Mr. Zeller was so desperate that dying was preferable to living for him, but I completely understand. It's unfortunate that he was not able to find a good therapist who might have been able to help him "work through" his issues. An abject lesson for the rest of us; no matter

Ummm, eat the kids means oral sex?? Project much, creepo????

Cathy Black laughs at your article. The real answer to your question? Suck up to Mayor Mike, you can have any damn job you want! ESPECIALLY the ones in which you have no expertise, degree or experience. Gahd, I hate that man now...with the heat of a thousand suns.

@Dancing Queen: It was Texas, after all. Logic is illegal down there.

The idea that the school could force her to root for the man she accused of molesting her is disturbing at best. I can not understand the school's position that she was disrupting the game by sitting out, though it may have left a noticeable gap in the performance. Noneththeless, I wish her well, and I hope the SC

Shorter post:

@justinpe: Seconded. This is a great little app I downloaded just to get the listings. Imagine my joy when I discovered this screen! Does movies, too...go go i.TV!

I prefer the "walk on by and spend your money elsewhere" hack. Can't stand overroasted, burnt coffee; at premium prices, it's easy to just say no.