
I agree with this lady:

@Fierock: All hail the Hypno-Toad!!! I certainly do....

Just chiming in with those who contend that fart=funny. Hell, I can raise a grin just looking at the damned word, let alone seeing the act depicted on screen. Also concur that there is zero biological difference; it's like the old canard that "women don't sweat, they glow!" I call BS on both counts.

@PrairieMoon: I was not espousing same, merely quoting from "The Big Lebowski." No offense intended.

@Odin: Me too! Mmmm, Oreo shake...

A friend once shared a somewhat different solution. He would simply stack as many cookies in the (empty) glass as would fit, and then fill it up wiht milk. Let the cookies soften a bit, and then drink the "shake." Not my favorite, but no utensils (other than your hands!) necessary. Alton Brown would be so proud....

@Orion126: Say what you will about the tenets of National Socialism, at least it's an ethos!

"Million to one shot, Doc, million to one!"

Kim and Kanye, sittin' in a tree...two of the world's most obnoxious people found each other. Ain't love grand???

@Cinnamoncanuck: I just KNEW you guys would pick up on this! Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition...

The Hungarian phrase book is incomplete. How can one say "I don't want this tobacconist; it is scratched"?

@DrakeDatsun: Interesting...hey, I gave it a shot.

@DrakeDatsun: Working as designed. Mac OS allows you to "switch" the regions on your DVD player up to five times. After that, you are stuck, apparently.

@rikarus: And, unbelievably, I didn't see your typo till you pointed it out! It did make my line better, tho...I truly read "rings"...oh, well, it's early yet.

@rikarus: "Paul is dead?" "I buried Paul?"

John Hamm is simply the best; I didn't recognize him at first, but caught on pretty quick. This man is funny and a good actor; if only he had a regular TV gig...

The metric system is the tool of the devil! My car gets forty rods to the hogshead and that's the way I likes it!